Versions Compared


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  1. Send To context menu

    1. Removed Word and Excel from the send-to context menus.

  2. Invoice Entry/Petty Cash Entry → Right Click → Move to Batch context menu

    1. Fixed an issue that could move the transaction into the incorrect numbered batch zero.




  1. Excel Node Report Generation 

    1. Fixed the vendor master maintenance excel dump not working.

  2. Debit Card Expense

    1. Fixed bug with the Email PC Forms option and it not inserting the emailed form into the next batch, causing it to disappear for the user.

    2. Fixed paste in issue if the amounts, date and description were the same for the VASCO import. It would drop one of the lines from the reconciliation entry and throw an error. Now it will tweak the desc of one of the lines so both are added.

  3. (AU) BAS Workbook 

    1. Fixed a missing reference number and incorrect percentage and pushed it out to AUS Productions. File can be found in F:\Custom Report Layouts\BAS Workbook\ if it needs to be pasted into non 2019/2020 productions.

  4. (UK) VAT Submission 

    1. Fixed issue with a two character Tax Flag in the EC Acquisitions field and it picking up the other two characters as tax flags by themselves.

  5. (AU) New Feature - Send Invoices and Petty Cash to DPF: Allows users to use Eclipse for data entry but then use DPF for approval.

    1. Adds a right click menu to send AP, PC, Fuel to DPF.

    2. Added a tab under the PC Vendor called Vendor PO Approval. Go to this tab and add in the Defaults PC Approver Group for that Person. This will avoid them having to do it manually in DPF.




  1. User Entry Defaults - Fixed Ledger Inquiry Browse Filtering. Previously when a filter was set in the user defaults the ledger would show up as blank.

  2. Users - Operators are now restricted by default from editing Control Accounts.

  3. Invoice Inquiry Reports - Reports can now be run over an amount range. 

  4. Cheque Printing - A warning message will pop up when a user tries to create an EFT file and there are no BSB or Account Numbers setup for that vendor. The user can still create the EFT file and print the cheques if they wish.

  5. Financial Reports - The "Use Data From Period" under Report Range/Options will no longer show the current or future periods. This will stop users from running and generating incorrect reports. 

  6. Budget Worksheet - Removed some defunct options from the "Setup Options" tab.

  7. Budget Worksheet - Added the options to include unposted data at all times in the Budget Worksheet. The "Recalc on Open" checkbox will recalculate any unposted entries and show them in the Budget Worksheet when re-opening it. A popup prompt will popup when opening the BWS  asking the user if they would like to recalculate unposed entries (as it can take some time to complete).

  8. Financial Reports > Cost Reports - When ticking the flag filters in the Report Range Options and ticking the "Send to Excel" checkbox, a fourth report sheet will be exported to excel called the Rebate Cost Report. This will be included with Cost Report, Trial Balance, and CR Variance sheets.

  9. VAT MTD Module - The user can tick a "Create CSV Report" before clicking Calculate to generate a ledger output of the calculation to Excel.

  10. Chart of Accounts/EzyPO Sync - Added an Update EzyPO Button to the Chart of Accounts page to sync the CoA with EzyPO.

  11. (AU Only) - Added a new report default called Cost Report QAPE Rebates to the blank data templates. Can be found under F:\Custom Report Layouts\Rebates Cost Report QAPE\ if you need to import it into an existing production.


