Digital Forms can be used to create and distribute forms including:
In the approval and pending pages the documents will be displayed in an inbuilt pdf viewer
To navigate between different documents within a pack, select the the dots above the in built pdf viewer on the approval screen
Operator/Approvers can view, approve, decline and comment on sent document packs
Completing a Digital Form
Recipients (crew) cannot alter anything in grey
Production can request TPH to lock off or make mandatory specific fields
Mobile number, bank account and super details will auto-populate if the recipient has previously used online form completion and is a freelance portal member
2FA Phone Code Not Received
If, even after selecting ‘send new code’ twice, you don’t receive a new code, production will have to confirm that they have submitted the right user mobile number to TPH
Freelance Portal:
Users can nominate to join or log into freelance portal, to save their personal details for the next Digital Forms document.
Contracts in freelance portal save in Freelance Portal ‘Documents’ section