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There are two ways to draft a PO in EzyPO. You can manually enter to PO in the website, or you can complete all the details using a special form in Excel and then import it into EzyPO. For this option, see Draft a PO in Excel.
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Draft PO in EzyPO
From the Navigation Menu select Draft Orders
Select the +New button.
The New Draft PO window will appear, In the Supplier field, enter in the first few letters of the supplier's name and click the magnifying glass
button. The Vendor Select List pop-up window will appear, click on the checkmark
to select the correct vendor. If the vendor of choice does not exist, then it must be entered, see Adding a New Supplier section.
The Currency will automatically be set to the default of the selected approval group. If this is left blank, then it will use the default settings for the user. The currency of the PO can be selected from the Currency drop-list. If a required currency is missing, contact your Accounting Department so it can be setup
Fill in any supplier contact details under the PO and Vendor Details tab that are missing and relevant.
Address - The Suppliers address should automatically populate, fill in any missing information.
Email? - Switch this to Yes if the supplier should receive a fully approved copy of the order. This is recommended to avoid disputes over price or products later on.
Description - Enter the general description for the entire PO.
Approval Group - Depending how the user has been setup by the Accounts Department, this field may be blank or contain a list of approval groups. If the field is not blank, then they are able to create PO's for different departments. In this case, they need to select the correct group from the list before they save and send the PO for approval.
Requested by - This automatically defaults to the current user's name. However, if they are ordering on behalf of someone else, enter in the other users name here so approvers can more easily check job costing and goods/services ordered.
Department - This automatically defaults to the users Department. However, if they have access to more than a single department, then it should be change to the department the PO corresponds to.Click on the Purchase Order Details tab.
EzyPO gives you the ability to add more complex descriptions by pressing on the xDtl
button. For most PO's drafted, this won't be used. But if you will be using or to learn more, then please refer to Advanced PO Drafting.
If the cost code is known for the transaction, click on the Chart
icon. Find the correct code using the Prod.Detl.Set codes and select by clicking on the checkmark
icon. If you do not know the cost code, it is okay to leave the field blank and it will be completed by one of the approvers.
The IN, F, and TX columns can be filled in directly or you can locate the appropriate codes by clicking on the Flag
icon. If these are unknown to you, you can leave blank and they will be filled in, if applicable, by one of the approvers.
Keep adding each transaction line until you have all the items on the PO. You can click the New button to add more transaction lines if needed.
You can mix and match different line types, however you can only edit service type descriptions directly on the PO. Other types you must use the xDtl button, see Advanced PO Drafting.Double-check the PO and Tax Amount fields.
If you have special notes to include, you can enter those under the Special Notes tab. The Special Conditions section text will be included on the PO copy to the suppliers. The Internal Comments section text will only be visible to the production approvers.
If you want to include other documents with the PO. You can attach them under the Attachments tab.
Attachments allows you to upload pdf's, doc, excel files or pictures to EzyPO and attach them to your order. Approvers are able to view the attachment during approval. Uploading images of assets is recommended so approvers can see the item referred in the PO.
To add each attachment, click the +New button. The attachments window will popup. Then select the Add File button and locate the file on your computer. If you want a copy of the document to be emailed to the supplier with a fully approved PO, tick the Suppliers Attachments box. Click the Save button and repeat the process per each file that you would like to attach.
TIP: make sure you shrink any picture files first as these can be many MB's in size.
After you click ok, the image or document will be listed. You can keep adding more items. To Edit or Delete existing items, use the Editor Delete
icons to the right of the attachment as highlighted above.
Note: Clicking the Deletebutton will delete the whole PO, not just the attachment.
Click the Cancel button to lose your changes.Once the PO has been completed, click on the Save
You will then be redirected to the Draft Orders section (Navigation Menu> Draft Orders). To send the PO for approval click on the Send icon. Your order has been sent for approval to the signature line established by your Accounting Department. The Purchase Order number generation can be done before or after the PO has been fully approved. This is also another setting that is established by your Accounting Department.
Approvers can be notified by email when they have orders ready for their approval. Once the PO has been approved, it will move onto the next approver in the chain until it has been fully approved.Orders are approved sequentially, meaning if you are third in a chain you will not see an order until the second approver has approved (similar to how a paper order would be approved).
Purchase order numbers can be automatically generated once the PO has been drafted, after a certain approver has approved or once the order has been fully approved. Amounts can also be set to restrict when the PO has a number generated. For example, PO's up to 10,000 can be set to generate a number upon being drafted, but PO's over 10,000 must be fully approved beforehand. This can all be setup by the administrator for individual users or groups.
Upon an order being fully approved, a PDF copy can be emailed to the supplier and accounts emails automatically. If using our accounting software Eclipse, the cost report will also be updated.
Each PO is only visible to the original operator, members of a link group set to view and approvers who have approved or are pending approval