Amending/Exporting Chart of Accounts in Excel

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Amending/Exporting Chart of Accounts in Excel

Like most windows in Eclipse, you can export the Chart of Accounts window into Excel, make necessary changes and re-import back into Eclipse.


1. Highlight the specific rows you would like to export or tick Select All.  Then right-click in the window and select Excel


2. Make the necessary changes or additions in Excel.  Then highlight the data cells (cells with data in them, no headers or footers).  Right-click and select Copy.

  • Only copy Data Rows (No Header or Footer)

  • Only copy Columns A to L


  • You cannot use this method to delete cost codes.

  • Amending or Inserting a code in Excel will add a new Code into Eclipse. Read this guide Chart of Account Structure to understand how to edit accounts correctly in Excel.


3. In Eclipse, right-click in the Chart of Accounts window and select Paste


4. If you get errors when attempting to paste in:

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