Cancel a Cheque

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Cancel a Cheque

The user can cancel cheques by highlighting the particular cheque entry. This option is only for AP cheques that have not been presented in the bank reconciliation.


You can tell if you have presented a cheque by looking at the Presented and Presented Date column under Cheque History.


If the Pres is Y or M and the Presented Date column is populated with a date, then this cheque has been presented in the bank reconciliation.

If you have already presented the cheque in the bank reconciliation, please visit this guide here as you may still be able to cancel it: Cancelling a Presented Cheque.


Instructions on how to cancel a Cheque:

1. In order to cancel a Cheque it must be posted down from Cheque Posting.


  1. If your cheque is sitting in the Accounts Payable > Cheque Posting screen you will first need to post it and then follow the instructions below.


3. Go to Accounts Payable Cheque History/Cancel,Re-Issue.


4. Highlight the entry(s) you wish to cancel.


5. Click Cancel Re-Issue button.


6. If the Cancel/Reissue button is greyed out - see Cancelling a Presented Cheque.


7. The Cheque Cancel/Re-Issue window will appear.


8. If you want to re-issue and modify the Invoice attached to the Cheque, tick the Re-issue Cancelled Cheque check box.

This will send the Invoice back to the Invoice Cheque Entry module, where you can then edit the original Invoice and post it down with any corrections.

If you simply want to cancel the Cheque with a reversal, then untick this checkbox.

9. Click the Post button. Your cheque is then cancelled and all the invoices and the distribution associated with the cheque will be reversed, including the bank and control account.

Note: When a cheque is cancelled, it will appear in the Cancelled tab in the Bank Reconciliation window.


10. In the Accounts Payable > Invoice Cheque Entry. Invoice(s) associated with cheques being re-issued will appear in the Invoice Entry Batch.  Amounts, descriptions, account codes and any other field can then be changed and it can be posted down again.

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