Customizing Petty Cash Forms with your Tax Flags

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Customizing Petty Cash Forms with your Tax Flags

The Petty Cash forms that are generated from inside Eclipse using the Create PC Form and Email PC Form function use a hardcoded list of tax flags by default.


To customize which tax flags get used in your Petty Cash forms that are generated from Eclipse, you must enable a system default. To enable this system default please follow these instructions:


1. In Eclipse navigate to Control Table → System Defaults → Debit Cards tab

2. Tick the Export Tax Flags checkbox.

This will enable all tax flags setup in your production under Control Table → Indirect Tax Codes to be used in your Petty Cash forms.


3. To customize which tax flags are used in your Petty Cash forms navigate to Control Table → Indirect Tax Codes.


4. Double click on a tax flag you do not want to appear in your Petty Cash forms and tick Exclude From PC Form. Do this for every tax code you do not want used in your Petty Cash Form.

5. When you use the Create PC Form or Email PC Form on a Petty Cash entry in Eclipse, your PC Form will now generate with your specific tax flags for the correct tax calculations.


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