If you are using your correct login to EzyPO and your browser is not allowing you to access the site past the login page you will need to follow the appropriate procedure below. This can happen the first time you log in where the browser saves your temp password and subsequently each time you try to log in the browser keeps replacing it with the stored password.
Internet Explorer
Open Internet Explorer
Select Internet Options
Click Content
Under AutoComplete, click Settings
Click on Manage Passwords
Click on the Web Credentials Manager
Click on the drop-down arrow by ezypo.tphglobal.com or ezypo.com.au, click Remove
Open Chrome
At the top right, click More > Settings
At the bottom, click Show advanced settings
Under Passwords and Forms, click Manage passwords. A box will appear with a list of saved passwords.
In the Saved Passwords section, select the ezypo.tphglobal.com (or ezypo.com.au) website and click Delete.
Click Done.
Open the Safari menu
Select Preferences
Switch to Autofill tab
Click the Edit button for Usernames and Passwords
Delete the entry the corresponds with ezypo.tphglobal.com or ezypo.com.au
Open Firefox window
Select Preferences
Remove EzyPO sites form the Privacy & Security Panel.