The Chart of Account structure is made up of the following pieces of data :below. This guide will focus on the Production, Detail and Set code pieces of information.
CU - Currency Code, if multiple currencies are being used, a separate line for each account for each currency must exist. This might seem tedious but it allows for much more detailed reporting.
Lo - Location Code, see Location Codes
Eps - Episode Code, see Episode Codes
Prod - Production Code
Detl - Detail Code, usually correlates to individual departments sub cost code
Set - Set Code
CU = 2 character max
Loc = 2 character max
Eps = 3 character max
Prod = 4 character max
Detl = 4 character max
Set = 3 character max
An account with the max characters in each field would look like:
CU = GB.01.000.5000.1000.
LOC = 01
EPS = 000
PROD = 5000
DETL = 1000
SET = 001
GB.01.000.5000.1000.001 with a separator added for readability
GB0100050001000001 when exported from Eclipse to Excel
If there are LESS characters then the MAX for each field, then these must be entered in as a blank space if you are inserting or editing codes in Excel and then pasting them back into Eclipse.
For example:
PROD = 500
DETL= 100
SET = 01
When combined this would look like:
500 .100 .01
500 100 01 in Excel
GB01000500 100 01 would be the full chart code in Excel with the CU, LOC and EPS.