Users can nominate to join or log into freelance portal, to save their personal details for the next Digital Forms document.
Contracts in freelance portal save in Freelance Portal ‘Documents’ section
Once a recipient has completed their fields, the next person in the approval order (signatory order) will find the document in the 'Approve' panel in the Documents page.
Approved Documents
In the approval and pending pages the documents will be displayed in an inbuilt pdf viewer
To navigate between different documents within a pack, select the the dots above the in built pdf viewer on the approval screen
Operator/Approvers can view, approve, decline and comment on sent document packs
Once the document is signed and fully executed the signer, and all parties the approval set up will receive an email with completed documents in pdf format.
The approved document, and any uploaded attachments can be viewed in the “Approved” module in the Documents page.