Send, Approve and Decline Documents

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Send, Approve and Decline Documents


Once a Document is created, saved and moved to the Drafts page, it can be sent to be completed and approved.


  • Select the drop down arrow to view a summary of the documents contained within the draft form pack and of the approval sequence.

  • You can choose to edit, send or delete.

    • When you click sent, the document will be sent as Digital Forms link to the first recipient, along with a message template.

    • TPH admin can personalise your email templates if required


Editing a Draft

A document can be opened for editing by selecting the three dot menu icon to the right of its listing in the drafts panel. Then select edit to make required changes before resending for approval.


Example email template:


Hi << First name, Last name>>

Your Employer Company XXX uses our platform as their paperless Onboarding to complete your Contract plus supporting documents and Extras Paperwork which is powered by TPH Digital Forms.

We have sent you document/s that requires you to complete and sign via a digital signature. 

Please Click on this link to complete the form/s: https://online-forms.digital-forms.com/?536dac2bc9ba290eeb81d87ee43b3faf=aa7d423d-bae8-4f64-9196-3d09b81cbaf0

You will be required to enter a pin sent to the mobile number entered by your employer. If you do not get the pin after clicking the link above and on the page to enter your pin, please contact Shelby or the person who you did your deal with to check they have entered the correct mobile number.


  • Tax, Super, Banking details

  • If you have a tool kit/Equipment List, you may need to upload it

  • Contractor/Companies please make sure you have the following documentation as you will need to upload them

  • Public & Product Liability Insurance Policy

  • Workcover Insurance Policy


  • Tax, Super, Agent & Banking details

If you would like to know more about how your company uses digital forms and how to get on board click here: https://www.tphglobal.com

Please contact your HR manager if you have any questions or need technical assistance


TPH Digital Forms

  • Once sent, the all people on the approval chain will receive an email alert

Completing a Digital Form

  • Recipients (crew) cannot alter anything in grey

  • Production can request TPH to lock off or make mandatory specific fields

  • Mobile number, bank account and super details will auto-populate if the recipient has previously used online form completion and is a freelance portal member


Freelance Portal:

  • Users can nominate to join or log into freelance portal, to save their personal details for the next Digital Forms document.

  • Contracts in freelance portal save in Freelance Portal ‘Documents’ section

  • Once a recipient has completed their fields, the next person in the approval order (signatory order) will find the document in the 'Approve' panel in the Documents page.

Approved Documents

  • In the approval and pending pages the documents will be displayed in an inbuilt pdf viewer

  • To navigate between different documents within a pack, select the the dots above the in built pdf viewer on the approval screen

  • Operator/Approvers can view, approve, decline and comment on sent document packs

  • Once the document is signed and fully executed the signer, and all parties the approval set up will receive an email with completed documents in pdf format.

  • The approved document, and any uploaded attachments can be viewed in the “Approved” module in the Documents page.

Decline a document

  • Operator/approver users can decline a document and leave comments

  • The document can then be moved from the ‘Declined’ panel to ‘Drafts’

    • A document’s progress and history can be viewed in the Draft panel

      • Select the drop down arrow in the ‘Detail’ column

      • Expand ‘Show Activity’ to view which users viewed, approved, declined or moved a document.


  • A document can be opened for editing by selecting the three dot menu icon to the right of its listing in the drafts panel. Then select edit to make required changes before resending for approval.





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