1. Select the format type you want for the report (almost always set to Preview). :
To view the a PDF report on-screen without saving, select Preview from the Report Type drop-down menu.
You can then save the file following these instructions here.
To save as an Excel select tick the Excel/CSV or Send to Excel checkbox the Excel/CSV or Send to Excel checkbox in the Report Detail section .
2. Click Ok to run the Report
Important: The Client Home (M:) Drive represents your C Drive on your local computer. You will need to create a folder on the root directory of your local C Drive before Eclipse can access and see it, such as BACS, Desktop, Reports, etc.
If you are saving from Excel, you first need to select This PC to see your local M Drive.
5. The report will now appear in the folder you saved it to. In this example it is on your computer at
of General Ledger Inquiry Reports or Financial Reports.
You can then save the file following these instructions: https://tphglobal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TPHCS/pages/1700988081/Saving+Eclipse+Reports+to+Your+Computer#Saving-an-Excel-Document