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Add New Users (Buyers/Approvers)

Bulk Add New Users (Buyers/Approvers)

Add New Admin User

Reset Password

Resend Invite

  • Select the user you want to resend the invite to by clicking on the O symbol next to the user type.

  • Navigate to the 3 dots located at the top right of the screen.

  • Click on it and click on send invite to resend the invite to the user’s email address.

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I don’t want the same Order approvers to approve an invoice. Do I need to setup a new approval group?

No. Each approval group has a separate approval chain for each module so you can add and remove approvers and set different approval limits. See Approval Group setup page

When approving invoices I only want the department head to approve if the order does not match the invoice. Is this possible?

Yes!  Go to Setup Approval Setup → Select the Approval Group then go to Invoices. Then open the user you want this to apply to and tick Skip if PO Matches Invoice. Then Save the configuration.

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Do I still need to stamp every invoice and write the tran number and all the coding?

No. Each invoice creates its own audit report showing all that information as well as a history of PO changes and an activity log. So there is no need to keep a manual sheet attached to a PO showing what invoice was paid.

The OCR is not picking up all the correct information. Any way to fix?

No OCR is perfect but our plugin does a pretty good job. From our testing it seems to struggle with the Order# the most.

You can add a comma separated list of values to search for via SetupInvoice OCR Setup → selecting the Description and then adding values to the Search field.

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