Digital Paper Flow

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Digital Paper Flow

Digital Paper Flow is a one stop platform where key roles within a production can automate most of their day to day workflows and seamlessly integrate with Eclipse the production accounting solution.

On a single dashboard all Purchase Orders, Invoices, Expenses and Documents can be tracked and managed to achieve efficiency, control and accuracy.

This page provides detailed knowledge based articles to give you in depth knowledge of most features and functionality of the software, however if your role does not require an in depth level such as an approver of POs who don't necessarily need to configure and draft forms then feel free to read the articles that are most relevant to you role.

For a head start on DPF and to get familiar with your dashboard and main features please visit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqp8yj8sr8u4A64Ecyrlgt2wp5_AlvPzK (Five YouTube videos, approximately 5 mins each)



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