04 Feb 2022
Send To context menu
Removed all the broken Send To context Menus via Right Click. A User can still access Send To via the buttons in each module.
System Defaults → Tax Balance → Warn if no Tax Code Entered
Renamed this system default to “Block Posting if no Tax Code Entered” to better reflect its actual functionality. This option has always blocked a user from posting if they do not enter in a tax code to their transaction line.
Invoice Inquiry Reports → Section 16 Reports
Added functionality to run Section 16 Reports for NBCU. All databases can run this report.
The instructions on how to run this report can be found here: Section 16 Reports
Cheque Printing Blocking
Functionality has been implemented to only allow one user at a time to use the Cheque Printing function. This is to stop users from running cheques at the same time and breaking their data.
This functionality exists for every module but is now being rolled out to Cheque Printing.
If another user tries to enter the Cheque Printing window they will receive the message below until that user has finished printing their cheques or closed their window.
If the system becomes stuck in a state where no one can access the Cheque Printing window, it can be reset by TPH Support by following this guide: User unable to post a batch or Print Cheques
25 Jan 2022
Send To context menu
Removed Word and Excel from the send-to context menus.
Invoice Entry/Petty Cash Entry → Right Click → Move to Batch context menu
Fixed an issue that could move the transaction into the incorrect numbered batch zero.
21 Jan 2022
Petty Cash → Paste EU Petty Cash Form
Added some logic to prevent a tax line being created when ‘create dist line’ is unticked under Indirect Tax Codes.
A tax line will only be created if a tax code rate is >0% or if the ‘create dist line’ option is ticked under Indirect Tax Codes.
System Default → Tax Balance → Auto Create and Balance Tax Line
Added additional criteria for when a tax line is automatically created under Petty Cash.
Under the Indirect Tax Codes setup, If ‘create distribution line' is ticked or if the tax rate > 0 then a tax line will be automatically created for that tax flag.
17 Jan 2022
System Default → Tax Balance → Auto Create and Balance Tax Lines
Added additional criteria for when a tax line is automatically created under Invoices.
Under the Indirect Tax Codes setup, If ‘create distribution line' is ticked or if the tax rate > 0 then a tax line will be automatically created for that tax flag.
14 Jan 2022
Invoice Inquiry Reports
Fixed an issue with the paid date field returning Unpaid reports as blank.
Invoice Inquiry → Unposted Invoices
Fixed an issue that allowed users to edit fields that should not have been editable (Currency, Tran Number, etc).
13 Jan 2022
Invoice Inquiry Reports
Updated 1099 reports with a paid date field
New Tax Balance System Default → Tax Balance → Auto Create and Balance Tax Lines
Added a new tax balance system default. It is turned off by default for all Australian databases and must be manually enabled. See: Auto Create and Balance Tax Lines System Default