Part 1:
Here is some information on how to record carbon tracking in Eclipse.
There are 2 ways you can track carbon items. Use the F Free Field in Eclipse or identify all the budgeted accounts where carbon tracking is required. If there was a mixed account split it out using levels so it would not appear split when running the cost report but all your carbon items are in the same account. The advantage of the latter is that everything say in the Airfares account would be included in your report rather than just individual items, some of which may have been missed in being flagged.
Then created a new Ledger report default called CARBON to pick up all the accounts using the sequence tab
When entering data, anything that needs to be extracted, enter in square brackets and used the pipe | to separate the data. This could just be the total kWh eg [2960] or more complex data like the example below. But what is entered needs to be in a consistent order. You should also use the different line types in orders\invoices for car hires and accom and the PC Fuel entry to record fuel/miles.