This is a list of updates made to EzyPO per Date. Please report any bugs through the Bug Reports/Feature Requests form in Teams.
Test addresses are:
Module | Description |
HTML Approval | Added more detail to the popup window header |
HTML Approval | Removed function that creates a PDF of the Draft PO when it is sent for approval |
Draft PO | Added Audit Log for deleting an order in the mobile app |
Draft PO | Updated Send for Approval audit log to include Tran No. |
Draft PO | PO Number now includes modify number |
Draft PO | Auto-complete filter to include inactive suppliers if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse |
Draft PO | Supplier Lookup - New Suppliers set to inactive if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse |
Pending PO | PO Number now includes modify number |
Approve PO | PO Number now includes modify number |
Hold PO | PO Number now includes modify number |
Rejected PO | PO Number now includes modify number |
Approved PO | PO number now includes modify number |
Suppliers | New Suppliers set to inactive if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse |
Suppliers | Suppliers can't be edited if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse |
Suppliers | Disabled Paste pad if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse |
Module | Description |
Approved PO | Renamed 'Sent to Supplier' header to 'Email Sent?' |
Approved PO | Renamed 'Email Supplier' header to 'Sent to Supplier' |
Draft PO | Renamed 'Supplier Attachments' to 'Send to Supplier' |
Draft PO | Fixed Vendor Lookup so that it includes vendors with a missing NTDeleteTimeStamp field |
Draft PO | Fixed Preview caching previous versions and not updating |
Draft PO | Reduced Lookup delay to 1 second |
Draft PO | Default Requested By and Department display options to hidden |
Draft PO | set Draft PO display settings to save per user |
Draft PO | Removed Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports |
Suppliers | Inactive Suppliers will only appear if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse |
Pending PO | Removed Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports |
Approve PO | Removed Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports |
Approve PO | Added Timestamp to GLOBALFLD assigned to TRAN No. |
Rejected PO | Removed Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports |
Login | Set Session Value for Corporate Vendor Approval |