EzyPO Updates Log

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EzyPO Updates Log

This is a list of updates made to EzyPO per Date. Please report any bugs through the Bug Reports/Feature Requests via the Helpdesk.


Approval SetupFixed an issue with the Approval Setup screen not filtering out user accounts correctly. TPHP-2030 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Approval SetupApproval Group not appearing in EzyPO Approval Setup screen when created in DPF. TPHP-2099 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft POFixed issues with invalid characters in attachment filenames breaking the attachment upload.

TPHP-3629 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Draft POCompany PO details blank on the PO if Company ID does not equal 1 and no location specified. TPHP-2276 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft PORemove invalid characters in PO Description fields on saving a PO. TPHP-2918 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft POFixes for TenantID (GUID) duplicating across records (caused problems in DPF with retrieving the record). TPHP-3218 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft POAttachments file extension case causing failed uploads. TPHP-3386 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft POChange system generated description for 3-day and 5-day hire/car lines to 3 Day Week and 5 Day Week TPHP-3425 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft POFixed issues where modifying a PO with Car Hire info would wipe some car hire info details TPHP-3430 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupDisable users from Adding/editing contacts when block supplier is on TPHP-3465 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupImplement Approval Confirmation Toggle per user for HTML Approval Emails.

TPHP-3612 - Getting issue details... STATUS

TPHP-2526 - Getting issue details... STATUS

User SetupPassword Invalid message on initial login from Invite Email. TPHP-2136 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupFormatting and text changes to the Invite Email. TPHP-1421 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupIssues with mobile number field encrypted between DPF vs EzyPO and exports breaking in DPF. TPHP-3277 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupBlock Supplier Edit not syncing between DPF and EzyPO. TPHP-3395 - Getting issue details... STATUS
System DefaultsCapitalise PO Description setting is not saving for the production. TPHP-3424 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Approval SetupFixed an issue with the Approval Setup screen not filtering out user accounts correctly. TPHP-2030 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Draft POFixed issue with the Date Picker not working. TPHP-1838 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft POFixed a bug where the user was able to create a vendor with a blank currency TPHP-1863 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Company DetailsAdded validation to stop users from deleting the default company. TPHP-1878 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Chart of Accounts

Fixed numerous issues in the Chart of Accounts module.

  • Searching now works correctly.
  • The select all and clear button now work correctly.
  • Fixed problems with importing accounts from Excel.
  • Fixed problems with exporting accounts to Excel.
TPHP-1930 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Approval Setup

Fixed a bug where the approval group created in DPF would not appear in EzyPO.

Approval groups will now appear in User Setup if they have access to Orders. Saving the approval group under User Setup should fix any issues with the group not appearing under the Approval Setup screen.

TPHP-1910 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User Setup

Added SHOW ID validation to the Excel Paste in for Users.

TPHP-1581 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Draft PORemoved the blank currency from currency selection. Should help fix issues where users created blank suppliers. TPHP-1679 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Copy POFixes to make copying PO function compatible with DPF data. TPHP-1685 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Chart of AccountsFixed an issue with the Select All button not working. TPHP-1309 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Draft PO Fixed issues with creating a vendor inside a Draft PO. TPHP-1383 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Hold OrdersFixed issue with the hold order section missing for Admin accounts. TPHP-1168 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupFixed issues with password resets for Admin accounts. TPHP-1172 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupFixed issues with limits to how many productions a user can have access to. TPHP-1420 - Getting issue details... STATUS


SuppliersFixed an issue with blocked vendor option allowing you to edit suppliers. TPHP-1147 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupFixed login issues with Admin accounts. TPHP-1174 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupFixed issues with generating user signatures. TPHP-916 - Getting issue details... STATUS
User SetupFixed issues with capitalisation of user login names. TPHP-951 - Getting issue details... STATUS


User SetupBlock Vendor can now be set and propagated from the master
Approved POConverted Excel export to Stimulsoft
LoggingAdditional Logging for the Insert & Update Propagate errors


User SetupPropagating an existing user no longer updates the Accounts Email, Generate Order settings and Modify ranges
Inserting a new user will now include Link Groups and Link Groups to view
GeneralUpdated check in ProcessLink to help with connection issues 


Increased clipboard character limit to 4,000,000
Group Policy can now be pasted

Accounts UsertypeAccounts Users now have access to a PDA button in Pending Orders to re-send approval notification emails.



Draft PO
Pending PO
Approved PO

Removed attachments from PO's copied from Draft, Pending and Approved.


Approve PO

Fixed bug that would replace all flags with the 4th Flag value. Fixed prompt for 7th flag field.


EzyServerAttachments/T&C's will no longer be emailed to the Accounts PO Email Address for fully approved POs.


Approve PORemoved CompanyID requirement from the Decline PO option in HTML Emails


GeneralAdded an additional check for the Connection String in the ProcessLink routine (should help with the locking issues)


Approve POFixed issue where approvers couldn't reject an order if there were other approvers at the same level


Draft PORemoved Corporate Vendor Bank Approval from setting new suppliers as inactive.
Approve POIncreased size of PDF display.


UsersFixed issue in Export that would convert Strings to Numeric if they began with a +
UsersFixed issue in Export that would convert 0 values to String
Mobile APIPOMT_PDAT added to the POMT_BROWSE response
Draft POFixed problem where text only appeared Capitalized in Extra Detail
Mobile APIAdded LineDesc (a formatted description of the line) to the poc_tran response
Draft POFixed problem where Description Required setting wasn't being checked


Mobile APISupplier name now accepted when adding a supplier
Mobile APIPOT_PDAT added to the PO_BROWSE response
Mobile APIFixed issue with loading PO_BROWSE


UsersFixed error in paste stopping users from being added
UsersAdded more detail to the 'Could not get USE_ID from USERPO through dummy table' message
Draft PO
Pending PO
Approve PO
Hold PO
Reject PO
Approved PO
Fixed the Hide/Show and Width Setting options for each of the PO Lists.
All Users will have a default set of options that they can change.
The Admin can overwrite the Default options by changing their own settings.
This will not overwrite the User settings if they have created their own.
SuppliersFixed problem with disabling the Paste Pad with Corporate Vendor Approval switched on

Fixed problem where Corporate Vendor Approval setting wasn't recognized until the User accessed the Dashboard

LoginAdded Hashing to EzyPO Passwords (passwords will now be case-sensitive)
Draft POAdded check if the Vendor has been approved if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on.
User will receive an error saying vendor will need to be approved before the PO can be sent for approval.
Draft POFixed date pickers appearing behind the Popup windows.
Draft POInactive Vendors revealed if CorpVenBankApproval has been ticked


HTML ApprovalAdded more detail to the popup window header
HTML ApprovalRemoved function that creates a PDF of the Draft PO when it is sent for approval
Draft POAdded Audit Log for deleting an order in the mobile app
Draft POUpdated Send for Approval audit log to include Tran No.
Draft POPO Number now includes modify number
Draft POAuto-complete filter to include inactive suppliers if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse
Draft POSupplier Lookup - New Suppliers set to inactive if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse
Pending POPO Number now includes modify number
Approve POPO Number now includes modify number
Hold POPO Number now includes modify number
Rejected POPO Number now includes modify number
Approved POPO number now includes modify number
SuppliersNew Suppliers set to inactive if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse
SuppliersSuppliers can't be edited if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse
SuppliersDisabled Paste pad if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse


Approved PORenamed 'Sent to Supplier' header to 'Email Sent?'
Approved PORenamed 'Email Supplier' header to 'Sent to Supplier'
Draft PORenamed 'Supplier Attachments' to 'Send to Supplier'
Draft POFixed Vendor Lookup so that it includes vendors with a missing NTDeleteTimeStamp field
Draft POFixed Preview caching previous versions and not updating
Draft POReduced Lookup delay to 1 second
Draft PODefault Requested By and Department display options to hidden
Draft POset Draft PO display settings to save per user
Draft PORemoved Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports
SuppliersInactive Suppliers will only appear if Corporate Vendor Approval is switched on in Eclipse
Pending PORemoved Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports
Approve PORemoved Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports
Approve POAdded Timestamp to GLOBALFLD assigned to TRAN No.
Rejected PORemoved Queue name from JSON sent to Stimulsoft reports
LoginSet Session Value for Corporate Vendor Approval

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