You can set Eclipse to display unposted data from Invoices, Petty Cash, Journals and Purchase Orders in your Budget Worksheet.
1. Navigate to General Ledger → Budget Worksheet → Setup Options
2. Select the unposted batches you want to display in the budget worksheet by ticking any combination of the below checkboxes.
POs = Purchase Orders
AP = Invoices/Cheques
PC = Petty Cash
PD = Per Diem Petty cash and Journals
JN = Journals
3. Select if you want to update the unposted values every time you open the Budget Worksheet. Doing this will increase the time it takes to open the budget worksheet as it has to recalculate all accounts but will ensure you are always seeing the most up to date information.
4. Click the Recalc Above button to make the changes.
If you do not tick the Recalc unposted on BWS Open checkbox you will have to go into the Setup Options and click the “Recalc Above” button everytime you want to update the unposted data that is displayed in the Budget Worksheet.
5. Unposted data will now display in the Unposted Column of the BWS and inside the Transactions tab.
Unposted data will be missing a period number in the Transactions tab as it has not yet been posted into the ledger.