These appear in your PO Master Maintenance because a user has chosen to update the Cost Report totals with a temporary Summary PO that brings in all unposted Invoice Lines. This feature was implemented into Eclipse in an update on the 19/02/25 (see:
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How to create a Summary PO?
This feature is under the Budget Worksheet → Setup Options tab when using the Update CR PO Totals button.
This feature creates a Summary PO in PO Master Maintenance if you have unposted Invoices when you click Yes to the Update CR PO Totals button.
When should you use this Feature?
In the “old” days when we had lines of filing cabinets we got paper invoices approved and then entered them into Eclipse, reduced the PO and posted the batches before running our cost report. We also had options in Eclipse so AP could continue to work and pull down PO’s without it changing our cost report.
However now everything is entered first and approved digitally, you can produce cost reports where your PO’s have been reduced and invoices not posted, distorting your real CTD.
We added an option a few years back to include unposted AP into the PO totals when running a cost report to offset this, but you could never run a PO dist list to match the cost report and if you tried to re-run the cost report from a previous period, the PO column did not include these unposted Invoices.
The advantage of this new feature is it actually creates orders with your unposted invoice WIP so it is included in the PO dist list, and if you need to re-run from a previous period, the totals will match.
How does this feature work?
If you select Yes it will create a Summary PO in the PO Master Maintenance for each currency, and assign each one to a blank vendor code.
It will add a summary from invoice entry, one line per code.
It does not split based on IN or F flags.
If you use create a Summary PO do not include unposted invoices in your cost report.
Be aware if you run this and then start posting batches your CTD will be wrong. If you need to post batches just re-run the Update CR PO Totals again, and it will update the Summary POs with the changes.
How to clear the Summary PO?
If you ran this by accident and don’t need these POs created, or if you no longer requires require these POs and want to clear them, go to Purchase Order Maintenance and Zero them out with the Zero PO option. This will remove all the summary PO lines, the . The zeroed Summary PO headers will stay in PO Master Maintenance and will be re-used the next time this feature is used again.