You can download from any section in the Timecards module - Drafts, Approve, Pending, etc… Most productions though will want to download once the timesheet has been approved. Please navigate to the Approved or All section. | |
From the left-hand side, select the timesheets that you’d like to download. To download them all, click the tickbox to select all the timesheet records. | |
On the right-hand side, click the 3 dots so that you can see the Download section | |
You can select to download Timesheets, Payslips and/or Other (attachments). Once you’ve made your selection, click the download arrow. | |
There will then be a zip file available from your Downloads folder on your computer | |
You can then open the file, and the documents will be available as PDFs for you to open and use as required. | |
The naming convention is: Surname_FirstName_WeekEndingDate_FileType FileType options are: |
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