Download Timesheets, Payslips and Attachments from DPF

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Download Timesheets, Payslips and Attachments from DPF

You can download from any section in the Timecards module - Drafts, Approve, Pending, etc…

Most productions though will want to download once the timesheet has been approved. Please navigate to the Approved or All section.


From the left-hand side, select the timesheets that you’d like to download. To download them all, click the tickbox to select all the timesheet records.


On the right-hand side, click the 3 dots so that you can see the Download section


You can select to download Timesheets, Payslips and/or Other (attachments).


Once you’ve made your selection, click the download arrow.


There will then be a zip file available from your Downloads folder on your computer


You can then open the file, and the documents will be available as PDFs for you to open and use as required.


The naming convention is:


FileType options are:
TC - Timecard
PS - Payslip


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