Insert/Edit Chart of Account Codes in EzyPO via Excel

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Insert/Edit Chart of Account Codes in EzyPO via Excel

This guide will walk you through pasting new chart of accounts or modifying existing ones by exporting your EzyPO chart of accounts to excel and then pasting them back into EzyPO. This guide applies only to EzyPO productions that are NOT using Eclipse.


First you must navigate to the Chart of Accounts screen. To have access to this you will need an EzyPO Admin Account.


1. When in the Chart of Accounts Screen, click the Excel button. Do not click the Select All button, just click Excel which will export everything.



2. It will take a few minutes minutes to export your chart of accounts to an excel file. Open the excel file and click on the Yes button to the message prompt that pops up.


3. When in your excel file, you can then insert new rows in between accounts to add new accounts, modify existing accounts, or add all the new accounts at the bottom of the file. 

  • Note: You must follow the format provided in your own excel export file. Creating and making changes to accounts in Excel is very easy as you can ‘copy/paste’ and use ‘find and replace’ functions.


4. Once you have created your desired accounts, select the columns from A to K of the accounts you wish to copy into EzyPO.

  • Do not select the header rows at the top of the excel sheet or go any further than column K.

  • Copy all the new or modified accounts you want to add into EzyPO to your clipboard. 

  • Note: You can only select 1500 accounts/rows at a time to paste in. Any more than that will be discarded by the system, so keep this in mind when doing your paste ins - you may need to split how many accounts you paste in at a time.



5. Go back to the chart of accounts page and you will see a large textbox with the words Paste COA Excel Data here at the bottom of the page.


6. Paste your data from Excel into here. Then press the TAB key on your keyboard.


7. A message will then popup stating that the data has been pasted into EzyPO.

8. You can then search for this account to check it has pasted in correctly to EzyPO. 

In this example I added in the account 500.02. So I am searching via the Prod-Detl by clicking this header and then typing in the code into the search box and clicking the search button. I would suggest trying to paste in one account first to make sure it is all working correctly, and then start adding large batches of multiple accounts at once.


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