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Financial Reports option uses a sophisticated report engine to produce all production financial reports through one window. A range of report defaults, options and layouts can be created and saved to satisfy any reporting requirement. You also have the opportunity to create your own customised Financial Reports.


Report Details Tab


Options Section

  • Report Defaults - Select the report you require from the drop-down list.
    You can also add your own reports eg ART DEPT COST REPORT etc by simply typing the name of the report into this box. This is a big time saver when you need to run these reports on a regular basis as you set everything up once and simply pick the report from the list. You can learn how to do this in this guide here: Creating a Separate Report Default

  • Scissors icon - Remove saved report.

  • Save icon - Click to save options and selections chosen throughout tabs. Do this before running a report.

  • Default Report - Tick check box to set current report as your default. It will appear each time the screen is opened.

  • Save - Click to save options and selections chosen throughout tabs to selected report.

  • Excel – Exports the Report to Excel instead of PDF

  • HDB CTD – Exports the Cost to Date to Excel Format for importing into Hollywood Budgets.

  • Period Ending Date - This field is only available when enabling this system default and is hidden by default: Custom Financial Reports Period End Date

    • Adds inputted text as date on the report. This does not affect the data exported and is only a text field. Cost Reports would use this for week ending date to be printed on the header of the report.

  • Notes on Report - Type optional note to be included in report e.g. Shoot Week 1.

Detailed Report Section

  • Heading Level - Account level from which report will start printing. This would usually be one of your header account levels. See example below.

  • Detail Level - Choose a level greater than heading level. All chart of accounts that are equal to or less than detail level and greater than heading level will be printed. See example below.

Summary Report Section

  • Heading Level - Will print all accounts with associated level selected. You would usually use header expense account level (4).


Currency Section

  • Base – Master currency you are reporting in

  • Native – Currency transactions are entered in

Exchange Rate Section

  • Budgeted – Set budget currency rate

  • Current – Variable exchange rate (not usually applicable)


Report Range/ Options Tab


Report Range Section

  • CU, LO, EPS – Select which currency, location and episode codes you would like to include in the report.

    Once you have selected, always return to the first Report Details tab and click the save button to save the selection before running the report.

  • PROD, DETL, SETN – Use to limit your range of accounts by entering from and to distribution. For example if you want to run a cost report just for Special Effects, you can enter their range of accounts.

  • Consolidate - Tick to run one report that groups up multiple currencies accounts, then reports in the selected Base Currency.

  • Flag Filters – Use these to select a range for your flag fields. Only use these for rebate reporting where you have a loaded a separate rebate budget/EFC.


Use this function to limit a variety of zero accounts and blank spaces.


  • Include Zero Accounts - All accounts will be included in the export, even with no transactions recorded against them. This is useful for troubleshooting or when testing your report layout/structure.

  • Exclude Zero Budget EFC  – Any accounts with a zero Budget or EFC value will be excluded from the report.

  • Exclude Zero Period Variances  – Any accounts with a zero period variance value will be excluded from the report.

  • Exclude Blank Notes  – Any accounts with a blank note will be excluded from the report.

  • Exclude Non-Postable Accounts  – Any accounts set as non-postable in the chart of accounts will be excluded from the report.

  • Exclude Zero Fringe – Any accounts with a zero fringe value will be excluded from the report.

  • Extra Excel Fields  – Exports extra columns to the Excel Export - App :
    Approved Overages, Adjustments, and Notes to Myself.
    For more information about App Overages/Adjustments see here: Cost Reporting with Approved Overages and Adjustments


This window lists the account sequence ranges for each of your reports. You must first select a report in the Reports drop down list before you can view the account sequence. It will basically show you the order and range of accounts that will produced in your report. See here for a detailed setup guide: Setting up Financial Report Sequence Ranges (ATL, BTL, etc)



  • +Seq - Numeric code to nominate order.

  • ID - System generated. Generally don't change but see Tip below

  • Sequence Header - Description of sequence to be printed on report at the start of sequence range.

  • Sequence Footer Description of sequence total to be printed with the sequence totals.

  • Sub Total - Description of Sub Total total to be printed with the sequence totals.

  • Sub - Add Y if you need a subtotal of this Sequence

  • From / To - Distribution range to be printed.
