Cost Reporting with Approved Overages and Adjustments

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Cost Reporting with Approved Overages and Adjustments

ApThere are two columns in the Budget Worksheet export to Excel called AppOverage and Adjustment. Instead of using an Approved Overage field, most productions will adjust the EFC or increase the budget fields, so your workflow does not need to change if you do not wish to use these fields.

The AppOverage and Adjustment fields in the Budget Worksheet Excel Export can be used when the production has a locked budget but the studio/financier has agreed to extra expenditure rather than just increasing the EFC and it showing as an overage or by changing the budget. The accountant can now track these “Approved Overages” in the AppOverage column and have them show on their Cost Report.



Entering in Overages/Adjustments

  1. To enter in overages you need to export your Budget Worksheet to Excel by going to General Ledger → Budget Worksheet and either selecting an individual account or your entire worksheet, and then right clicking and and selecting Excel.


2. In the Excel sheet you will then be able to enter in the Approved Overage into Column R and the Adjustment into Column S for each account.


3. Once entered, select the Columns A to S and press Copy. Do not select the header or footer rows.


4. Then go back into the Budget Worksheet in Eclipse, right click anywhere and click Paste.


Cost Reports to PDF

5. You can then run a specialised Cost Report from the General Ledger → Financial Report screen. Select the Cost Report with App Overage report layout and then run your Cost Report as normal.

If you do not have the report Cost Report with App Overage in your Financial Reports list then please contact TPH Support with a request to have the Cost Report with App Overage report added to your production


6. The Cost Report with App Overage layout will then print out the App Overage and Adjusted Budget Amount.


Cost Reports to Excel

  1. If you want to export App Overage and Adjustments to the Excel Cost Report, tick the Extra Excel Fields checkbox when running your Excel Report.

    This option will export three additional columns to the Excel Cost Report: Approved Overages, Adjustments and Notes to Myself for each account.



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