Creating a Separate Report Default

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Creating a Separate Report Default

Users have the ability to create their own defaults for Reporting in Eclipse. This will be necessary if there a multiple users in the software with their own reporting requirements and settings that they want to use and it’s a big time saver when you have multiple reports to run (like departmental reports or permutations of a TB) where they all have different settings. By setting up different defaults you can quickly recall the exact settings for that report and run it.

If you do not create your own report defaults, all users will be editing the same in-built report defaults that are pre-loaded with Eclipse. This can be frustrating for users and report layouts and other filters can be changed by other users the next time you go to run your reports.


1. Additional Report Defaults can be created in the following sections. Navigate to the below section depending on the type of report you wish to create.

General Ledger Financial Reports

General LedgerLedger Inquiry Ledger Inquiry Reports


2. Select the Report Default you want to base your settings on.

3. Enter in a new name in the Report Defaults field and then click the Floppy Disk Save icon to save this new report default.

The best practice is to append additional text onto the base report default. E.g. COST REPORT - TEST


4. You can then customise all the settings for the new Report Default you have created.

Select the Report Layout on the Report Details that you wish to use, along with any additional settings and click the Floppy Disk Save icon.


5. Next, go to the second tab (Report Range/Options or Selection) and set your filters and settings. Once completed, ensure you save these settings by clicking the Floppy Disk Save icon on the first tab.

If you do not click the Floppy Disk Save icon after changing settings, none of these settings will be saved for your next report run.


6. Finally, go to the Sequence tab and ensure that your Sequence Range is set correctly. The default Sequence does not break your report up into any specific blocks which is fine to use in most instances. A screenshot of the default sequence range is below.

If you want to setup your own Sequence range, follow the instructions here: Setting up Financial Report Sequence Ranges (ATL, BTL, etc)


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