Logging In

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Logging In

EzyPO is a quick and easy way for users to create new Purchase Orders for approval.  Orders can be sent for approval to user or department specific approval chains.  The orders can then be tracked and edited at any stage during the approval process.


1. You will receive an email with your login instructions from your production administrator (usually the Accounts Dept).  If you are having trouble receiving these instructions, please contact support@helpdesk.tphglobal.com

2. The login instructions will direct you to one of the EzyPO internet addresses.  Click the link in your login email, or open your web browser and type in the internet address.



Note: If you are having any problems on one web address, try connecting to the alternative.


3. Click on the Login icon on the top-right of the screen.
4. Enter your LoginCompany ID and Password, which was supplied in your login instructions email.



User Settings

Upon your first login to EzyPO you should check your user settings.  You can set preferences to make drafting PO's much quicker.

  1. On the top-right of your screen select the Settings  icon.

  2. Check that your Chart of Accounts has the Cu.Lo.Eps filled in correctly, if not add them.  If you do not know the correct codes, please consult with your accountant..

Email Address - allows the user to change their email.
Cu.Co.Eps - The default Cu (Currency), Co (Location) and Eps (Episode) set here are automatically entered into new PO's.
Detl.Sub.Set - The default Detl (Detail), Subs and Set entered here are automatically added to new PO's.
IN - The default insurance flag entered in detail lines when the user creates a PO.
F - The default flag entered in detail lines when the user creates a PO.
TX - The default Tax code entered in the detail lines when the user creates a PO.

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