EzyPO Quick Start Guide

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EzyPO Quick Start Guide

Not in the mood to read?  watch the instructional video here:  

Logging into EzyPO

Your EzyPO login has been emailed to you, if you have not received it please contact support@helpdesk.tphglobal.com. At first login you will be prompted to change your password.

EzyPO works best with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. It is not recommended to use Firefox, as some features are not compatible with that browser. There are two websites in which EzyPO can be accessed. If you are ever having problems on one website, try changing to an alternate. 

The login website links are:



When you login, you will arrive at your dashboard home screen. All PO tasks can be performed from the drop-down Navigation Menu.

Drafting a PO

  1. From the Navigation Menu select Draft Orders

  2. Select the +New button.

  3. First select the Currency in which the PO should be in.
    Only currencies which are applicable to your production will appear. If you would like another currency to become available, speak with the accounts department.

  4. Select the Supplier by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Supplier field. Then a pop-up window will appear with all the suppliers currently saved to your production. In the search box type the first couple of characters of the vendors name and hit the tab key on your keyboard. This will narrow down your search results. Once you locate the appropriate supplier, click the checkmark next to their name. The vendor details will then appear in your PO draft.

    If the vendor does not appear after your search, you can add them in manually by clicking the +New button in the Vendor Select List window. Enter all the relevant details that you have available and click the save icon. The new vendor will then appear in your VendorSelect List window. Go ahead and click the checkmark, wait a second, or click the tab key and then the new vendor details have appeared in your order.

  5. Now you can add in the Supplier's contact details. This is the section you will need to have completed if you would like the supplier to be emailed a copy of the approved PO. Again, you can use the magnifying glass to see available contacts already stored for this supplier, or just type the details directly in. Clicking Yes next to Email field tells EzyPO to email a copy of the PO once it has been fully approved.

  6. The PO description field is the general description for the entire PO.
    (e.g. Stationery or Camera Package)

  7. Select your Approval Group. This is the group that designates what approval signatures are required for this PO.
    Most users will only have one approval group listed. The groups available to you are determined by your accounts department, so if you have any questions it is best to have a dialogue with them.

  8. Click the Purchase Order Details tab header and the section will expand. This is where you enter the cost code, transaction lines and amounts.

  9. If the cost code is known for the transaction, click on the Chart icon. Find the correct code, then select by clicking on the Checkmark icon.

    You can use the search bar to locate by cost code or description, first sort the list by clicking the appropriate header. Then type the beginning of the code or description and hit tab on your keyboard.If you do not know the cost code, it is okay to leave the field blank and it will be completed by one of the approvers.

  10. You can enter insurance (IN), free field (F) and Tax (TX) flags in the next three fields, available ones can be found under the Flag icon.
    If you are not sure about any of these categories just leave it blank and the Accountant will add if necessary.

  11. Fill in the Description of the expenses (e.g. 12-14Jan Radios)

  12. Finally, complete the Amount field with the net cost of the item or hire, meaning before tax has been applied.
    Repeat the process for any other transaction lines required, an EzyPO can have up to 30 description lines in total. To add more lines, click the Insert button.
    Note: Please make sure you hit the tab key on your keyboard after entering each amount, to make the total of your PO appear at the bottom. This total figure will be inclusive of VAT.

  13. Click on the Special Notes section. Here is where you can note any special conditions or comments. Text written in the Special Condition box will print on the supplier's approved PO copy. Text written in the Internal Comments box will only be visible to the Approvers within EzyPO and does not show on the approved pdf of the PO.

  14. If you want to include other documents with the PO. You can attach them under the Attachments tab.

    Attach a single file at a time by clicking the +New button. Then select the Add File button and locate the document on your computer. If you would like the supplier to receive a copy of that attachment, check the Suppliers Attachments box. Click the Save button and repeat the process per each document that you would like to attach.

  15. Once the PO has been completed, click on the Save icon.

  16. You will then be redirected back to the Draft Orders section. To send the PO for approval click on the Thumbs Up icon. The PO will then disappear from this section which means that the PO is now with the first approver.

    The PO will then appear in the Pending Orders section. Here you can see which approver it is currently sitting with and eventually the initials of the approvers that have approved the order.

    You can now view the pdf copy of the PO by highlighting the order and clicking the binoculars icon.
    Once the order is fully approved it will also appear in the Approved Orders section and you will see a copy of the final pdf with all the approved signatures on it

Viewing Department PO's

Another feature of EzyPO often used on productions is the option to view all the purchase orders raised within your department, regardless of the originator.

  1. From the Navigation Menu select the section you would like to view, (i.e. Draft OrdersPendingApproved)

  2. In the bottom right corner, tick the View All Linked PO's checkbox and POs raised by other individuals in the department will appear in a blue colour. You can use the header to sort by any column to make finding PO's easier.

This is a quick start guide to using EzyPO.  For a more detailed manual please see the EzyPO Manual


If you wish to print off a PDF copy of this guide for reference, please open the PDF attachment.


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