Approve POs

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Approve POs

Once a Purchase Order is drafted and sent for approval by the Buyer, it will follow an approval process, ideally a chain of approvers will sequentially interact with the PO as they have a course of alternative actions available to them:

  • Approve;

  • Decline;

  • Hold;

  • Edit.

Having said that the chain of approvers may consist of multiple approvers or a single approver. This article provides a step by step guide on how the approver interacts with the PO once received.

 Approving in DPF

Below you will find a short video as well as a step by step guide on how to approve POs via your login into Digital Paper Flow.

When the Approver is logged into DPF, they should see any orders pending their approval under the Approve tab and right underneath is the action menu to interact with the PO:


Approve - click the Approve button next to the order to approve. The order will then move to the next person in the approval chain for approval until it is fully approved.

Decline - click the Decline button to reject, when you reject an order the originator of the order will be notified by email with the comments on the order included. It is recommended to add a comment with the reason why you rejected the order so the person doesn't necessarily need to contact you.

The rejected order will then move to the Declined folder where the originator can move it back to their Draft folder, fix an issues based on comments provided as suggested above and send back for approval.

The approval process will start again so everyone in the approval chain are approving the same updated version of the document.

Hold - click the Hold button next to the order to Hold. When you put an order on hold it moves it from your Approve folder to your Hold folder. This is simply to move it out of the approve folder so it does not accidentally get approved while you are awaiting more information on the order.

Edit - the edit function allows you to make changes to the PO lines prior to approving it, example below:

 Approving by email

In order to approve via email a copy of the approval notification email must have been sent to your email address. At the current moment this email will arrive as an Ezy Po notification email from ezypo@ezypo.com. You will find within the email the attachments from the transaction entry which can be downloaded to review.

An email similar to below is sent to the Approver's Inbox:


The body of the email provides further details relating to the purchase order, also an Approve or Decline PO buttons.

For other actions such as Hold or Edit please login to DPF.

Please note: the Login to EzyPO link in the email notification below still directs the approver to EzyPO rather than DPF, so please use the DPF weblink if you wish to action it in DPF https://www.digitalpaperflow.com/login

The steps below explain how to approve via this method.


  1. Go to your email client and find the approval email from Ezy PO



The PO will specify the Supplier, The PO Description and the chart code applicable for the distribution lines added into the PO. See the image below for an example.


2. To approve the PO click the Approve button or reply to the email with a blank reply.


3. To decline the PO click the Decline button


4. The PO will then be sent to the next approver or marked as approved depending on your position in the approval chain


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