Approve Expenses

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Approve Expenses


Approve via Digital Paper Flow

Below you will find a step by step guide for approving expenses via your login for Digital Paper Flow.


1. From the Navigation Bar select Expenses.

2. Go to the Approve tab.


3. Select the expense you would like to approve. Click the Approve  icon. The Expense will be moved to the Approved tab.


Approve Via Email


In order to approve via email a copy of the approval notification email must have been sent to your email address.


The steps below explain how to approve via this method.


  1. Go to your email client and find the approval email. You will find within the email the attachments from the transaction entry which can be downloaded to review.


Within the email you will find the expense details described below in exact order on the distribution lines shown above.

-The PC number, supplier name, advanced amount and accounted amount, highlighted in orange.

-The chart code, the chart code name, tax code, the distribution line description and the amount of each distribution line, highlighted in blue.


2. To approve the Expense reply to the email with a blank reply.


3. The Expense will then be sent to the next approver or marked as approved depending on your position in the approval chain

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