DPF Admin - Record Transfer

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DPF Admin - Record Transfer

You can transfer the ownership of records from one user to another by using an ADMIN account. You can do this individually in each module, or transfer in bulk.

Transferring ownership of a record from one user to the next makes it appear in their DPF lists by giving them ownership of that record (as if they created it). The original user will no longer have access to the records you transfer.


Individual Transfers

You can do transfers in all modules by navigating to that specific module with an ADMIN account.

Individual Record Transfer
  1. Log into an ADMIN account.

  2. Navigate to the desired module.

  3. You can search for specific records via the search bar.

    • You can also select one record, many records, or all records.

  4. Click the 3-dot menu button and click Transfer Records.


5. Select the user you want to transfer ownership of the record to and click OK.

6. It will give you a summary of the records to be transferred. Click Save to initiate the transfer.


Bulk Transfers

You can transfer records in bulk across all modules at once.

Bulk Record Transfer
  1. Log into an ADMIN account.

  2. Click on Transfer Records under the Administration header.

3. A userlist with all accounts and their record tally for each module will be displayed.


4. Click on the user you wish to transfer records from. A popup will open.

  • Select the different modules and record types, along with the new user you wish to transfer records to.


5. Once you’ve selected the desired options click the Transfer button to initiate the transfer.

  • You will be presented with a popup message of what was transfered.

  • The user list will refresh allowing you to see the updated tallies.


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