DPF Admin - Audit Logs
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    DPF Admin - Audit Logs

    Audit Logs are available to the Admin Role and is the second option under the Administration menu.

    Clicking on Audit Logs brings up the following screen with rows of actions that have been performed by the system and 7 search fields.

    Column Headers

    Each row comprises of 6 columns:

    • ID

    • Description

    • Tran#

    • Type

    • User ID

    • Timestamp.

    Column Header



    Column Header





    Unique identification number of the row. Runs in numerical order, corresponding to the date and time the action was performed.



    Brief description of the action that was executed.



    Unique number given to individual transactions.



    Type of transaction i.e. Login (use logging in), AP (Accounts Payable), DraftPO (Purchase Order in Draft) etc.

    User ID


    Identity of the user that performed the action.



    Date and time the action was performed.


    Search Fields

    There are various search fields at the top of the page to make searching for a particular transaction or user easier.

    From left to right, these are:

    • Search Box

    • Search Field Dropdown Menu

    • Date Search Boxes

    • Sort By Dropdown Menu

    • Ascending/Descending Dropdown Menu

    • No. of Transactions per page Dropdown Menu

    Search Field



    Search Field



    Search Box


    Textbox to enter search information.

    Dropdown Menu


    Used in conjunction with the search box to select ID, Description, User Tran#, Type or All.

    Date Search Boxes


    Used to search a particular date or to enter a date range. Clicking on either box causes a calendar to popup for easy date selection.

    You can also type the date you are searching for in the box.

    Sort By Dropdown Menu


    Select the field you would like to sort the information on the page.

    Ascending/Descending Dropdown Menu


    Choose to sort the information by ascending or descending order.

    Number of transactions Dropdown Menu


    Select the number of transactions you would like to display per page.

    How To Read The Audit Logs

    Below are screenshots from the same sample transaction in the Audit Logs.

    Audit Logs Sample Tran#1174 Description
    Audit Logs Sample Tran#1174 Type/TimeStamp

    Line breakdown:

    1. From line 1 in both screenshots, we note that transaction #1174 was created on 12/12/2023 at 11:11am by JAITKEN using the PO module on DPF.

    2. The PO amount was updated using the PO module on DPF on 12/12/2023 at 11:14am by creator JAITKEN.

    3. The PO was sent for approval by creator JAITKEN on 12/12/2023 at 11:14am through DPF.

    4. PO was approved by approver DSILES on 12/12/2023 at 11:17am through DPF.

    5. A HTML approval email was sent to approver LBROWN, who is next on the approval chain, at 11.20am on 12/12/2023, with the subject line: PO For Approval - “NETFLIX UK DEMO” Audiolink Ltd (GB) (T#0001174).

    6. PO was approved by approver LBROWN using DPF’s PO module on 12/12/2023 at 11:21am.

    7. User JAITKEN viewed the PO twice on 12/12/2023 and clicked cancel both times at 11:24am and 11:27am respectively.

    8. A PDF copy of the order was created by user JAITKEN at 11:30am on 12/12/2023.

    9. A fully approved email was sent to user JAITKEN with the subject line: Audiolink Ltd (GB) “NETFLIX UK DEMO” Approved EzyPO 000021-0 attached to this email [NOT EMAILED TO SUPPLIER] at 11:31am on 12/12/2023.


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