Kiosk User Guide

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Kiosk User Guide

Kiosk Login:

Log into kiosk using your username, company ID (if applicable) and password, username is not case sensitive.



Once you’ve clicked login, select your production. And you will be taken to the home page where a security code will be sent to you via SMS. You will need to enter this code to continue.




The homepage will look something like this, with your username and production name present. There are six menu/dropdowns you can use to navigate kiosk. The first, Home will take you back to this home page. Payroll is a dropdown that will take you to the various payroll functions. Upload is where you can upload your documents from a file or from Dropbox. Setup is where you can access kiosk’s settings and change your password. Productions allows you to switch between different productions. Logout will log you out and take you back to the login screen.




When the mouse is hovered over “Payroll” a dropdown menu will appear which will give you five options; Employee Setup, Timecard Entry, AD Times, Payroll History and Report Log.


Employee setup

This is where you can update some information about the employee including coding and view contracts. You cannot change bank details here for security reasons. Please email your paymaster if you need to change bank details.




Timecard Entry

Your paymaster will add batches for you each week that you can transfer employee’s into to pay them. If you need additional batches, please ask them to create them for you. Click on the batch you wish to enter timecards for and then click on change.

If there is no-one in the batch, it will show empty like this one. Click on the Transfer Pays button on the right to bring up the transfer window to select employees to transfer into this batch. If employee’s in the batch will have AD times entered by TPH do not transfer the pays until TPH has finished entering all the AD times for the week. If you do, then only the times we have entered will appear in the timecards.


Transfer Pays

Below is the standard Transfer Pays window. Enter the week end date and tick the days in the week worked. Only tick those days worked as a group. You can add and remove days to each paycard once in the batch. When entering the week end date take care not to press enter as this will start a transfer. Use tab or click out of the box instead.



You transfer pays window will now look something like this


Click the column headings to sort and search by that column and manually tick the employees that you wish to include in the transfer or click select all to choose all employees. Once you are ready click the transfer button.


Once you click transfer you will be taken to the report log, if you are not automatically taken there you can access it by hovering over the Payroll menu and clicking on Report Log. The page will not automatically update so you will need to refresh the page to see the progress of the transfer. Repeat this step until the process is completed. Warning, this process can be time consuming depending on how many employees you included in the batch. Avoid transferring more employees until each transfer has completed otherwise the database may lock and you may lose those already transferred if we have to unlock the database. Once you see the transfer has begun its time to grab a coffee and let it do its thing.


Once you have all your employees in a batch you can start to update their times to match their timesheets. The quickest way to do this is to request a timecard dump to Excel where you can update the times and send back to TPH to upload into the batch. This is a good time to request TPH to also send a set of payslips that you can cross check against your timecards. TPH can also send an exception report that will show and variance between the AD Times and times entered which you can present to the UPM before finalizing the pays.


If you have more changes to make to times it is usually quicker to just go in and make the change rather than doing another timecard dump.


Our system uses an hours to gross engine that converts times to payments, allowances and deductions based on a set of rules setup in our template. To add flexibility, you can over-ride rules and use different rules by using flags. To a new user Flags are probably the most complex part of the system. Rather than give you a list of all flags ask your paymaster what flag to use or look what flag they used and start to keep a separate list yourself. Some examples are VEH,EQP,SIC,DED,NLO,PRO, (note they are always 3 characters and must end with a comma). You can also add parameters to the flag eg VEH(5,$200,F1,#3200-01,!5 WEEKS CAR HIRE), by passing parameters we can set the units, rate ($), factor (F), accounts code (#) and description (!). As we use F for factor don’t use it in your description eg Float or Fuel which cause problems. In this case we might want to back pay an allowance etc. you can use multiple flags, however, make sure you do NOT use a space between flags

Wrong: VEH, EQP, SIC

After changing times or flags click the Calculate button. This will update the payment calculation per day as well as the Paycard. To see the calculation for a particular date, click on the day of the week and look at the calculation in the window below. Once you are happy with the changes, press save.



You can now Tick the employee and press the Payslip button to get a new payslip. In my experience by the time you write and email and ask TPH to do a bunch of changes (which they might not fully understand), wait for the changes and new payslips, check them and go back with further changes and get new payslips it is much faster to go in and make the changes you want and generate a new payslip to be attached to the timecard.

There are also options under Reports and Excel for advanced users where they can run their own reports and excel dumps.


Once you have finished making changes request TPH to lock the batch. At this point you will be locked out of the batch. TPH will run a check data on the batch to pickup and problems as well as a fringe check to check all fringes.  They will then generate an invoice and send you a full set of reports including an excel distribution report where you can update and send back to TPH to update the distribution in the batch.


Once you are happy with the invoice and the reports you need to pay the invoice. We require cleared funds in our account to release your pays. If you don’t think you will have enough time to pay the invoice, then you can pay a deposit for the net and service fees and we can release the pays from the deposit.


If you require episode and/or fringe splits we advise to leave this until the pays have been released to avoid any unintentional changes.


Once all distributions have been completed we can post the batch and create your payroll upload file.


If you need to do any pay adjustments please ask TPH to move them into a batch for you. The way adjustments work is that you create the timecard and flags exactly the way the pay should have been paid. Our system then adjusts the paycard based on what has already been paid to reflect what needs to be paid or what over payment. If there is an overpayment we will need to balance the net to zero and deduct the amount from another paycard or the employee will need to pay that amount back to you.

Report Log

The report log is where you can see a log of transferred pays and uploaded documents. If you are transferring a pay you can check on its progress here.




Using the upload menu you can upload scan files either directly from your computer or device or from a Dropbox account.



Upload Scan File

To upload a scan file from your computer or device click on browse to choose the file and then click upload. You can check on the progress of the upload in the report log.




The setup menu will allow you to access the settings and change your password. Access to settings will depend upon the level of access that you have.



The production menu will allow you to swap between multiple productions without logging out and back in.



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