03 Mar 2022 (AU & UK)
Invoice Entry → Send to DPF
Added some checks when a user sends an Invoice to DPF from Eclipse. The Send to DPF functionality sends the Invoice to the user’s Drafts folder in DPF.
Users will no longer be allowed to send a Fully Approved DPF Invoice in Eclipse back to DPF. If they need to they will need to raise a New Invoice and send that to DPF.
When Users are trying to send a Rejected or Partly Approved DPF Invoice in Eclipse back to DPF it will throw the below message. If they send the Invoice back to Drafts in DPF it will wipe all approvers and the user will need to send it for approval at the start of the approval chain.
28 Feb 2022 (AU & UK)
Cost Report Updating
Fixed an issue where the cost reporting checkboxes did not correctly save when the Budget Worksheet was open at the time of making the changes. See: https://tphglobal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TPHCS/pages/1706721586/Update+PO+s+In+Cost+Report
Invoice Entry → Send to DPF
Fixed an issue where the Send to DPF option did not correctly assign the Invoice to the Eclipse user’s DPF account.
25 Feb 2022 (AU & UK)
Budget Worksheet → Chart Rebuild
Cleaned up and simplified the messages displayed to the user when they run a Chart Rebuild. It will now only display a message at the start indicating their GL balance and at the end to signify the rebuild is completed.
Cheque Posting → Email Remittance / Cheque History → Email Remittance
If an email fails to send when emailing remittances, a message will be displayed to the user with the vendor name and email address it failed for.
24 Feb 2022 (AU & UK)
System Default → General Ledger → Show Cost as Underage (XXXX)
Fixed an issue where the formula for Variance in the BWS when exported to Excel was not correct.
23 Feb 2022 (AU & UK)
Invoice Cheque Entry → Insert Invoice
Fixed a bug where the vendor code field was not the first field that was focused when opening this screen.
Budget Worksheet → Transactions Tab → Exclude Zero Lines checkbox
This option will now filter out all zero value amount lines.
Originally this option only hid the lines if the description was blank.
14 Feb 2022 (AU) / 20 Feb 2022 (UK)
System Defaults → Tax Balance → Balance Tax Before Posting
Added some checks to catch edge case scenarios where the tax did not balance but a user was still able to post.
These additional checks will catch issues were the user has flagged two separate tax types but has only one tax line, and where a vendor was set as a different tax type to what the tax line was being coded to.
System Defaults
Renamed some options to better reflect their functionality and removed some system defaults that had no functionality.
System Defaults → Warn if posting a record/saving older than X Days
Added the date check when saving records. Previously only checked when posting. This functionality can be switched off by changing the days to 0 or less warnings by increasing days. This check is essential to pickup malign dates pasted in.
New Functionality: System Defaults → Accounts Payable → Check Aust Bank Details
Added a system default to check the bank details added to a vendor on edit and insertion. Also checks on saving an invoice and warns if bsb, account or account name are blank. It is only compatible with Australian bank detail formatting so should only be turned on by Australian Productions.
Warns if BSB is not 6 numbers and removes any alphabetical characters and symbols.
Warns if Acc Number is <6 or >9 numbers and removes and alphabetical characters and symbols.
Removes some invalid symbols from Account Name.
New Functionality: Section 16 Reports
Added the ability to run Section 16 Reports for NBCU under Invoice Inquiry Reports. See the guide here: Section 16 Reports
Petty Cash Fuel Entry
Fixed issues where sorting an entry on specific fields would hide some lines.
Fixed issues where the PC ADV and PC ACC on lines 1 and 2 would not generate properly.
Purchase Order Reports
Added additional description output to the description field for all PO Reports. This will print car/hire details.
Ledger Inquiry Reports
Fixed error messages popping up for the user when trying to create a new Report Default. See: Creating a Separate Report Default
Petty Cash Inquiry Reports
Fixed an issue where the excel distribution report was using the envelope date and not the date of the individual distribution lines.
Invoice Entry → Right Click Context Menu → PasteChqList
Added this option for Endemol Shine Australia to do a bulk AP upload of payments.
The only caveat is that it defaults the coding to the TPH payroll tax clearing account. The user can do a dist change on the items via BWS after a paste if they included unposted AP in the BWS transactions (they would need to add this code to their COA).
Chq list template attached to bottom of patch notes.
Invoice Entry → PO Transfer
Fixed an issue with sorting this window by Name and a crash/error message occurring.
Window Resize Limits
Added minimum window size for batch and unposted entry screens.
Invoice Attachments
Added a 10MB limit to attachments in Invoice entry to make this module compatible with DPF.
If a file is >10mb a warning will popup to tell the user to upload a smaller file.
When sending the Invoice to DPF it will warn the user if the primary document attachment is >10mb.
Invoice OCR Comments
Moved Invoice OCR Comments from the Comments Field in Eclipse to the Activity Field to better free up the comments section in DPF.
08 Feb 2022 (AU & UK)
Removed the New Popout button under Invoice Entry → Attachments tab
This button had no functionality and was causing issues with stopping and starting the ChromeExplorerProcess.exe and spamming the Go-Global logs when pressed.
General Ledger → Financial Reports → Unposted Batches → Add Unposted to PO Column
A new checkbox called Add Unposted to PO Column has been added.
This was added for Nautilus. They are using DPF and are not able to post all their DPF Invoices before running a cost report due to them being in various stages of Approval.
Ticking this option will affect the PO balance of the cost report as some DPF Invoices that are not fully approved and posted may have reduced POs.
Cheque Printing and Posting Blocking
A system default under the General tab named Reset Locked Posting/Printing has been added. This allows users and the support team to reset any blocked modules instead of manually editing the eclipsed.ini files. See Another user is currently posting / printing - try again later
Invoice Inquiry Reports
Added the Invoice Date field as additional criteria to run reports over.
Invoice Entry → Send to DPF
Fixed an issue where sending an Invoice from Eclipse to DPF where it was not applying the correct approval group if the Invoice had been OCR’d.
04 Feb 2022 (AU & UK)
Send To context menu
Removed all the broken Send To context Menus via Right Click. A User can still access Send To via the buttons in each module.
System Defaults → Tax Balance → Warn if no Tax Code Entered
Renamed this system default to “Block Posting if no Tax Code Entered” to better reflect its actual functionality. This option has always blocked a user from posting if they do not enter in a tax code to their transaction line.
Invoice Inquiry Reports → Section 16 Reports
Added functionality to run Section 16 Reports for NBCU. All databases can run this report.
The instructions on how to run this report can be found here: Section 16 Reports
Cheque Printing Blocking
Functionality has been implemented to only allow one user at a time to use the Cheque Printing function. This is to stop users from running cheques at the same time and breaking their data.
This functionality exists for every module but is now being rolled out to Cheque Printing.
If another user tries to enter the Cheque Printing window they will receive the message below until that user has finished printing their cheques or closed their window.
If the system becomes stuck in a state where no one can access the Cheque Printing window, it can be reset by TPH Support by following this guide: User unable to post a batch, print Cheques, or access Cheque Printing window
25 Jan 2022 (AU & UK)
Send To context menu
Removed Word and Excel from the send-to context menus.
Invoice Entry/Petty Cash Entry → Right Click → Move to Batch context menu
Fixed an issue that could move the transaction into the incorrect numbered batch zero.
21 Jan 2022 (AU & UK)
Petty Cash → Paste EU Petty Cash Form
Added some logic to prevent a tax line being created when ‘create dist line’ is unticked under Indirect Tax Codes.
A tax line will only be created if a tax code rate is >0% or if the ‘create dist line’ option is ticked under Indirect Tax Codes.
System Default → Tax Balance → Auto Create and Balance Tax Line
Added additional criteria for when a tax line is automatically created under Petty Cash.
Under the Indirect Tax Codes setup, If ‘create distribution line' is ticked or if the tax rate > 0 then a tax line will be automatically created for that tax flag.
17 Jan 2022 (AU & UK)
System Default → Tax Balance → Auto Create and Balance Tax Lines
Added additional criteria for when a tax line is automatically created under Invoices.
Under the Indirect Tax Codes setup, If ‘create distribution line' is ticked or if the tax rate > 0 then a tax line will be automatically created for that tax flag.
14 Jan 2022 (AU & UK)
Invoice Inquiry Reports
Fixed an issue with the paid date field returning Unpaid reports as blank.
Invoice Inquiry → Unposted Invoices
Fixed an issue that allowed users to edit fields that should not have been editable (Currency, Tran Number, etc).
13 Jan 2022 (AU & UK)
Invoice Inquiry Reports
Updated 1099 reports with a paid date field
New Tax Balance System Default → Tax Balance → Auto Create and Balance Tax Lines
Added a new tax balance system default. It is turned off by default for all Australian databases and must be manually enabled. See: Auto Create and Balance Tax Lines System Default