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Update PO's In Cost Report

There are times when you have entered POs into Eclipse but when you run the cost report they are nowhere to be found. Use these instructions to update POs in the cost report.

1. In the main menu bar select Control Table  > System Defaults, click the General Ledger tab. 

System Defaults

You can also access this section from Budget Worksheet > Setup Options.

Budget Worksheet

In the Cost Report P.O Totals section make sure the three boxes are ticked

  • Update Cost Report with PO Batch – updates new PO totals from EzyPO and PO Entry Batches.

  • Update Cost Report with PO changes - updates PO changes from editing lines in the PO Maintenance or zeroing POs.

  • Update Cost Report AP/PO Interface –  updates PO changes for POs attached to invoices.


2. Click on the Update Cost Report PO Totals / Update CR PO Totals button.  

3. Click Okay and then close the System Defaults window. If unticking in the Budget Worksheet close and re-open the budget worksheet after clicking Update CR PO Totals.