Purchase Order Reports

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Purchase Order Reports

There are two types of PO Reports you can run from the Purchase Order Maintenance module.


Distribution and Input Control Reports

1. To run a Report on all PO’s from the main menu bar select Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Maintenance.

2. Click the Reports button.

3. Select your Report type as Input or Distribution.

  • Tick Excel if you want to run the Report to Excel. Leave unticked if you want to run to PDF.

  • Include any special filters if applicable on the Selection tab. Leave as the defaults below to run over everything.


4. Click OK to run the report.


PO Report from Eclipse with Original PO Values

If you need POs with original values you will have to do this from Eclipse by opening Purchase Order Maintenance. This report is only available in Excel format.

1. Open Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Maintenance.


2. You can select the POs in this screen by highlight them and holding Shift + Left Click. Alternatively, you can click Select All to export all POs and then filter everything inside Excel. We recommend you export all POs to Excel and then run your filters on the header rows.

  • After making your selection, click on any selected entry and then right click and select Excel to export the Report.


3. The export to Excel will show the Original Value (excluding tax) in Column J.

4. To help you find and export the correct POs, you can organise them by different columns in Purchase Order Maintenance before you export them to Excel.

  • Clicking the ReqDepartment column header will sort all POs by their Department.

  • You can also click the Originator or Requested column header to sort by the user login in EzyPO that requested the PO.

  • You can also combine your filters with the Exclude Zero POs checkbox.


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