Using the OCR for Invoices

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Using the OCR for Invoices

1. Each Buyer (Operator) user role will have their own OCR email address in their user account. The user can grab their OCR Email address either from Eclipse or DPF.

  • The default functionality is to have one Invoice OCR email allocated per person. TPH Support can also setup one OCR email address for all users in your production instead (see: One Generic OCR email address for the Production at the end of this article).

  • You can also set up a default Invoice batch for each user in both DPF or Eclipse:

    • Navigate to Setup → User Entry Defaults in DPF, or

    • Navigate to Control Table → User Entry Defaults in Eclipse.

    • Please provide the user with their individual batch number, and have them update this in their User Defaults:


2. You can grab your Invoice OCR Email address from either DPF or Eclipse. Follow one of the methods below:

Eclipse: Navigate to Control Table → User Entry Defaults and press the Copy button to copy the email to your clipboard.


DPF: Navigate to your User Defaults by clicking the dropdown menu on the right hand side next to your username.

Then copy the Invoice OCR Email to your clipboard by highlighting the entire field and copying it.


3. When the invoice comes in to the AP team, the AP staff member will then forward the invoice to the OCR email address.

  • You can send multiple invoice PDFs in the one email, as long as each Invoice is in a separate PDF file.

  • You cannot send one PDF that has multiple invoices within the same PDF file. Only one Invoice will be picked up and the others will be discarded if you do this.

  • DO NOT type anything into the subject line. It should be left blank when sending your Invoice PDF files to the OCR email address.


4. The OCR tool will read the invoice and load it into Eclipse and DPF into the default batch.


5. If the OCR can find a PO number on the invoice, it will locate the corresponding Order and pull it in automatically.

  • If no matching order is found, then the user can fetch the Order to match it to the Invoice, by clicking on the Edit button, and selecting the PO transfer icon.


6. Please see the attached flowchart for an example workflow of how Invoices can be processed.


One Generic OCR email address for the Production:

There will be some scenarios where the invoice will be sent directly to the approver, they will sign it, and then send it on to the AP Team. If that’s the case, and you would like the invoice to be loaded into Eclipse only via the OCR, we can set up one OCR email address to cater for these types of invoices.

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