Sending Invoices in Bulk

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Sending Invoices in Bulk

Q: I can only appear to send one invoice at a time, as opposed to being able to send multiple at once. I check the boxes of the multiple invoices, but it does not send all of them.

A: Please make sure that all invoices have their distribution amounts = total invoice amount. You can send multiple invoices for approval, but there are currently issues where it does not show all the error messages for each invoice if one of them fails to send.
If one of the invoices fails to send when sending a batch of them, then there’s something wrong with that particular invoice (eg, invoice doesn’t total correctly, or no vendor assigned). Please go into that invoice and edit it and double check prior to resending it


Q: Is there a way to change the approver group for invoices in bulk?

A: Currently there isn’t, it has to be done manually per invoice.

However, you can assign a default approval group for all invoices in Eclipse. Go to: Control Table > System Defaults > Digital Approve. Type in the name of the Approval Group exactly in the Default Approval Group field so that it matches the approval group name in DPF.


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