Cancel and/or Reissue Petty Cash Entries

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Cancel and/or Reissue Petty Cash Entries

If you would like to cancel or reissue a petty cash transaction, including petty cash fuel and per diem transactions, then follow this guide.


Note: Petty Cash Fuel and Per Diem entries posted before the 02/12/2022 are not reversible and will have to have a manual negative petty cash entry or a manual journal entry posted to reverse them out.


  1. Navigate to Petty CashPetty Cash Inquiry.

  2. Select the Petty Cash you wish to cancel or reissue. You can only select one entry at a time.

  3. Press the Reverse and Re-enter button.


4. A window will then popup with three options. Tick them depending on what you want to do and then press OK. If you only want to reverse your petty cash entry, then do not tick Re-Enter PC Entry into Batch.

  • Create New Batch - This will put the reversal or re-entry into a new system generated Petty Cash Batch.

  • Use Batch - This will allow you to select an existing petty cash batch to put the reversal or re-entry into.

  • Re-Enter PC Entry into Batch - This will reissue the petty cash entry into the batch so you can edit it and post it again.


5. In this example, we will create a petty cash reversal and re-entry into a new batch by ticking the two checkboxes.


6. Navigate to the Petty Cash entry batch list and open the reversal/re-entry batch.


7. There will be two Petty Cash entries. One is the reversal and one is the reissue.


9. Opening the reversal entry will give you message saying it cannot be edited.

  • You can open and look at the reversal but the OK button is greyed out.

  • No changes can be made to the reversal entry and you should close it by pressing the Cancel button.

  • You must Post it to reverse out your original entry.


10. Once you have posted your reversal, if you opted to reissue the Petty Cash entry you can then make your edits as per normal and post it.

  • Note that any attachments you included in the original entry will not be included in this re-entry.

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