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PC Tips and Tricks







FBT Report From Fuel Expense

When used correctly entering a Fuel Expense in the Petty Cash Module an FBT report can be generated to flag these transactions for FBT.

Rental Car Hire and FBT

Use An Excel Template To Complete Petty Cash Entry In Eclipse

Eclipse allows for an excel spreadsheet to be used by petty cash holders to reconcile their accounts which can be pasted back into Eclipse to reduce time and double entry.

Complete Guide To Creating And Importing A Petty Cash Template

Reconcile EQUALS And VASCO debit cards in Eclipse

Eclipse allows the use of EQUALS and VASCO cards to be reconciled within the application. This feature is integrated so that card details can be downloaded directly from the debit card provider, entered into Eclipse and set to the debit card holder, who can then reconcile their accounts.

Debit Card Initial Setup (EQUALS/VASCO)

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