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Chart of Account Structure
The Chart of Account structure is made up of the following pieces of data below. This guide will focus on the Production, Detail and Set code pieces of information.
CU - Currency Code
Lo - Location Code
Eps - Episode Code
Prod - Production Code
Detl - Detail Code
Set - Set Code
CU = 2 character max
Loc = 2 character max
Eps = 3 character max
Prod = 4 character max
Detl = 4 character max
Set = 3 character max
Maximum Characters allowed in an Eclipse Chart of Account
An account with the max characters in each field would look like:
LOC = 01
EPS = 000
PROD = 5000
DETL = 1000
SET = 001
GB.01.000.5000.1000.001 with a separator added for readability
GB0100050001000001 is the format of the chart of account when exported from Eclipse to Excel or when needing to Import into Eclipse from Excel or a Movie Magic Text File.
Maximum Characters required for an Eclipse Chart of Account
At a minimum an account requires the currency, location, location, episode and a prod code. The Detail and Set codes are not required unless necessary for the organisation of your accounts.
LOC = 01
EPS = 000
PROD = 5000
When combined this would look like:
5000 in Excel or a Movie Magic Text File
GB010005000 would be the full chart code in Excel with the CU, LOC and EPS of GB.01.000
Note: If there are LESS characters then the MAX for each field, then these must be entered in as a blank space at the beginning of the code unit. If you are inserting or editing codes in Excel or a Movie Magic Text File and then importing them back into Eclipse this is a very important concept to grasp.
Example 1:
LOC = 01
EPS = 000
PROD = 500
DETL = 100
SET = 01
When combined this would look like:
500 .100 .01
500 100 01 in Excel or a Movie Magic Text File
GB01000500 100 01 would be the full chart code in Excel with the CU, LOC and EPS of GB.01.000
Example 2:
LOC = 01
EPS = 000
PROD = 6250
DETL = 01
SET = (blank)
When combined this would look like:
625001 in Excel or a Movie Magic Text File
GB01000625001 would be the full chart code in Excel with the CU, LOC and EPS of GB.01.000
Example 3:
LOC = 01
EPS = 000
PROD = 5000
DETL = 100
SET = (blank)
When combined this would look like:
5000100 in Excel or a Movie Magic Text File
GB010005000100 would be the full chart code in Excel with the CU, LOC and EPS of GB.01.000