User Security Access and Security Levels

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User Security Access and Security Levels

There are two main methods to restricting users access to certain areas within Eclipse.

Method 1 - Using Security Levels (Recommended)

The security level lets you limit user access to Chart of Accounts, Vendors, and Control Account selection in Invoice Entry, Petty Cash Entry, Payment Processing, and Bank Reconciliations.

Chart of Accounts

If you want a user to see all accounts you would set the user at level 0 in their User Setup. See Change User Details


If the user should only be able to see certain accounts, you need to set up the user and chart of account to the same security level number.  

  • For example, if a user was at a security level of 25 they would only be able to see cost codes with a level of 25.

The easiest way to set them up, with a little of your own tweaking:

  • -  Accountant

  • 50 - Cashier

  • 99 - Wildcard (all users can see this, regardless of their security level)


We suggest exporting your Chart of Accounts to Excel and then pasting them back in to make bulk amendments. See Amending/Exporting Chart of Accounts in Excel


If you need a more complex setup for Chart of Accounts, please see Method 2 - Using Login Names below.

Chart of Accounts Module


The user security level will carry over to the Vendor Master Maintenance security settings if you have enabled it by ticking the appropriate system default below.

Vendor filtering works the same as the Chart of Accounts module. If a user has the same security level as the vendor, then the user will be able to access that vendor in all modules. If they do not have the same security level, they will not be able to see that vendor.

To enable vendor filtering based on security level navigate to Control TableSystem DefaultsGeneral Use User Sec Lvl for New Chart and Ven and tick this option.


If you are utilizing more than one security level (e.g 25 and 50) it is best practice to setup all vendors with a security level of 99, so all users can access all Vendors in every module.


If you need to update the vendor security levels, you can dump your entire list of vendors to excel, update the security levels inside Excel, then paste it back in. See Export Vendors Information / Editing Vendors in Bulk

Vendor Master Maintenance

Control Accounts

You can also hide Control Account Codes from the user with security levels. This prevents them from accessing the below for the specific Control Account:

  • Bank Reconciliation

  • Payment Processing

  • Petty Cash Entry

  • Invoice Entry

  • Reporting


To enable control account filtering based on security level navigate to Control TableSystem DefaultsGeneral Use User Sec Lvl for New Chart and Ven and tick this option.


Input a security level for the control account under Control Table → Control Accounts → Security.

  • If the security level is the same level as the user, the user will be able to see it.

  • If the security field is left blank or at level 99, all users can see it.

Control Account Details


Method 2 - Using Login Names

The Chart of Accounts Users Field is where you designate who can have access to what codes by using the Eclipse user login instead of using the security level in Method 1. This will only filter the Chart of Accounts Module and will not filter Vendors or Control Accounts.

  • This is an ALTERNATIVE method to the Security Levels in Method 1.

  • This allows for finer grain control that allows you to set specific accounts to be viewable by certain people. 

  • We recommend you use security levels as described in Method 1 unless you need this finer grain of control.

Chart of Accounts

This section serves two purposes:



  • To limit which Eclipse users can view which codes. This is done by using their User Login. User logins can be found under Control Table → User Security → Users.

  • To enable this Eclipse security feature, you will need to go into Control Table → System Defaults.

    • untick Use User Security Lvl for New Chart and Vendor” to turn off Method 1 filtering.

    • tick Use User Login instead of Security Lvl” to turn on Method 2 filtering.


1. In the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger → Chart of Accounts

2. Under each chart of account in the user field section designate the user login that can view that account.

  • You can find the user login from Control Table → User Security → Users.

  • Each account line should always include REEL which is the TPH support account. The formatting should always be the same as example below:

    REEL,<userlogin 1>,<userlogin 2>,


3. If you are also using EzyPO and User Security groups to restrict Chart of Account access based on Department, make sure these are merged with your Eclipse Security Groups. For example:



Extra Security Fine Access Control

Once you have assigned chart of account and control account access in Method 1 or 2, you can then assign fine grain permissions to your user accounts. See Set User Access

E.g. Blocking the Post button in Invoice Entry, blocking access to certain modules like the BWS from opening entirely, etc.


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