Chart of Accounts Navigation

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Chart of Accounts Navigation

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The Chart of Accounts is the heart of your accounting system. Making the Chart of Accounts clear to you and other users of the program will have time-saving advantages.


1. You must first have loaded your budget, refer to the Manual Budget Upload or Budget Upload via Movie Magic (Tab Delimited) section. Each line will list an individual account code.

Chart of Accounts columns.

  • CU - Currency Code, if multiple currencies are being used, a separate line for each account for each currency must exist. This might seem tedious but it allows for much more detailed reporting.

  • Lo - Location Code, see Location Codes

  • Eps - Episode Code, see Episode Codes

  • Prod - The Production Code

  • Detl - The Detail Code, usually correlates to individual departments sub cost code

  • Set - The Set Code, further allows you to structure your accounts inside Detl codes.

    See Chart of Account Structure for further information.

  • Post - Whether the code is postable.

    • If it is a “N” it’s a header account and no income or expenses can be posted to that code. Header accounts appear in blue

    • If set to “Y” then it is a detail account that can have transactions posted to it.

  • Lvl - Assign codes on how you want them to roll up in the cost reports, see Chart of Account Levels

  • Sec - Security level, see User Security Access and Security Levels

  • Fringe - You can fringe labour accounts by simply entering the total fringe percentage.  The fringes are then calculated on the Estimate to Complete and appear in a separate column in the Budget Worksheet.

  • Type -

    • Expense “EX”. Netflix will use “E” for Expense.

    • Income “I”

    • Asset “A”

    • Liability “L”

  • Init Balance - If there are already initial expenses, these can be added straight to the account code instead of journaling previous costs.

  • Users - Correlates with which user can view which chart of Accounts in EzyPO. See Chart of Accounts User Field for DPF/EzyPO Security

2. You can sort the Chart of Accounts window by any field by clicking the appropriate header.


The below is sorted by Production Code, which is a typical way to view your Chart of Accounts window. You can tell it is sorted in descending order as there is a plus (+) sign next to Prod. If you were to click the header again, it would switch to a minus (-) sign, which means it will be sorted in ascending order.


3. The colour of the account lines tells you the status of that nominal code.

  • Blue - non-postable entry account. These are normally your header accounts, which are used to organise reports. You cannot post transactions to a header account. You can change an account to a header account by having a “N” in the Post column for that account line.

  • Black - active entry account. These are most of your accounts to where transactions are posted. You can change an account to a active account by having a “Y” in the Post column for that account line.

  • Grey - non-active account. These accounts are ones that you no longer want transactions posted to but are still available for reporting. You cannot post transactions to a non-active account but they will be available for selection from your Budget Worksheet window. You can change an account to a non-active account by having a “N” in the Active column for that account line.


4. You can insert, change or delete any code (that does not have transactions posted against it) using the buttons at the bottom of the screen

5. You can also insert and amend codes utilising Excel. You can select all codes using the Select All tickbox, or you can highlight individual codes. Then right-click and select Excel.

Once in Excel you can amend codes (not the actual account code, but all other fields), or insert completely new codes.

  • You cannot delete codes using the Excel method.

  • Once you have made all the changes in Excel, highlight the data rows and copy. Then in Eclipse right-click in the chart of accounts window again and select Paste. To see more detailed instructions visit: Amending/Exporting Chart of Accounts in Excel




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