Ledger Inquiry and Bulk Transaction Updates

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Ledger Inquiry and Bulk Transaction Updates

Ledger Inquiry option contains some of the most sophisticated options which users can use for not only GL Inquires but Distribution changes, sophisticated reports, transferring data to Excel, editing parts of GL records, data searches, petty cash/ invoice auditing, attaching sale of assets details to GL entries and others.


A report option with an assortment of ranges and options is available to include and suppress details from the report. GL Inquiry account range sequence, allows the user to print groups of accounts in any defined order. All your preferred options for reports and inquires can be saved as a report or, as your default for quick use at another time. The Report Designer is also available to create additional report layouts.


From the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger Ledger Inquiry


Edit Transaction Record(s) Individually

1. Highlight the transaction you want to make changes to and click on Change button or double click the field.


2. Tab through till you reach the column you wish to change. Make edits and then click the Save button

You can choose to change any value from any field by clicking on the Change button. The following fields can be edited:

  • Chart Code (Excel Export Only)

  • Insurance Field

  • Free Field

  • Tax Field

  • Description

  • Dates (Edit in Eclipse only - you cannot paste in changes from Excel)

  • Voucher Number

  • Invoice number 

    • Only available for Journals

  • EmpRef

  • Asset Disposal 

  • Sale Amount

Edit Transaction Records(s) in bulk via Excel Paste in

Instead of editing manually inside Eclipse, you can run a ledger inquiry report to Excel over the transactions you want to edit. See: General Ledger Inquiry Reports

1. Once the Excel report has been generated, Open it and Edit the cells of the report in excel.


2. Copy the row of the transactions from columns A to AD in Excel (Chart to Sale Amount)

  • Do not go beyond column AD.

  • Do not copy the header or footer row, only the data lines. 


3. Go to the Ledger Inquiry screen in Eclipse, right-click on any record, and select Paste.


4. The transactions will then be updated in Eclipse.


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