How to do Distribution Changes in Eclipse

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How to do Distribution Changes in Eclipse

Distribution changes can and should be used as an alternative to Journal entry to reallocate costs. Debit and Credit entries will not be necessary. Essentially all you need to do is make your preferred distribution change and then post it to the General Ledger. Not only can you change a distribution but you can also split off the original distribution amount to unlimited other accounts. Before you commence a distribution change remember:

  • The original transaction must be posted to GL. 

  • The amount of the original transaction must remain the same.

View this supplementary guide here on How to Delete Items from your Distribution Change List




Method 1) To make distribution changes from Ledger Inquiry

1. From the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger Ledger Inquiry


2. Highlight the transaction you want to make changes to and click on Dist Change button. The Distribution Change window will appear. 


3. Make necessary changes. The top portion of the window is where the transaction currently sits in the chart of accounts.  

  • Highlight the first transaction you would like to change, the transaction will then appear in the bottom section of the window.  

  • Make changes to the bottom portion of the window to where you would like the transaction distributed and changed to.  

  • To split the transaction amount use the Insert button.


4. Run a Distribution Report by clicking the Reports button and check thoroughly.


5. Post to General Ledger using the Post button.  Your distribution changes can now be viewed in General → Ledger Edit History window, see View Transaction History.

Method 2) To make distribution changes from the Budget Worksheet Transactions Tab

1. From the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger > Budget Worksheet > Transactions


2. Highlight the transaction(s) you want to make changes to and click on Multiple Dist Change button.


3. The Processing Records window will popup.

  • Type the new Chart of Account code in here that you want to change the transaction lines to then click Go.

  • If you do not want to change the Chart Code just yet, click Go and you can change them in Step 4 below.

  • After clicking Go you will be returned to the Budget Worksheet/ EFC Window, click the Dist Change List Button to proceed to the next step.


4. Make necessary changes. The top portion of the window is where the transaction currently sits in the chart of accounts.  

  • Highlight the first transaction you would like to change, the transaction will then appear in the bottom section of the window.  

  • Make changes to the bottom portion of the window to where you would like the transaction distributed to.  

  • To split the transaction amount use the Insert button.


5. Highlight the transaction and click the Reports button and check thoroughly.


6. Highlight the transaction and click the Post button. Your distribution changes can now be viewed in General → Ledger Edit History window, see View Transaction History.


Method 3) To make Bulk distribution changes from the Budget Worksheet tab using Excel

1. From the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger > Budget Worksheet > Transactions

2. Highlight the transaction(s) you want to make changes to and then Right Click and select Excel.

3. Change the Chart Code in Column A to the new account code for each transaction. Keep in mind the following limitations:

For example, in the below picture the account is AU.01.000.725.10.02

Currency = 2 characters e.g. AU
Location = 2 characters e.g. 01
Episode = 3 characters e.g. 000
Prod Code = 4 characters e.g. 725
Detl Code = 4 characters e.g. 10
Set Code = 3 characters e.g. 02


If the code you are entering does not match the required characters, then you must enter in a blank space to fill the character limit. 

  • The Prod Code is 725, but the prod field is 4 characters, so it must be entered in as 725(space).

  • The Detl Code is 10, but the detl field is 3 characters, so it must be entered in as 10(space)

  • The Set Code is 02, but the Set field is 3 characters, so it must be entered in as 02(space)

    See the below screenshot for an example of how it appears in Excel:


4. In your Excel sheet, Copy the row of the transactions from columns A to AC. 

  • Do not go beyond column AC.

  • Do not copy the header or footer row, only the data lines. 


5. Go back into the Budget Worksheet Transactions tab in Eclipse, right click on any record, and select Paste.


6. Now open the Dist Change List button to open the Distribution Change window to post your changes. If the transactions are POs they will be automatically moved without needing to post a distribution change so you can skip this step.


Method 4) To make Bulk distribution changes from Ledger Inquiry using Excel

1. From the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger Ledger Inquiry > Reports


2. Run a Ledger Inquiry Report to Excel over the transactions you want to do a distribution change on. 


3. Change the Chart Code in Column A to the new account code for each transaction. Keep in mind the following limitations:

For example, in the below picture the account is AU.01.000.725.10.02

Currency = 2 characters e.g. AU
Location = 2 characters e.g. 01
Episode = 3 characters e.g. 000
Prod Code = 4 characters e.g. 725
Detl Code = 4 characters e.g. 10
Set Code = 3 characters e.g. 02


If the code you are entering does not match the required characters, then you must enter in a blank space to fill the character limit. 

  • The Prod Code is 725, but the prod field is 4 characters, so it must be entered in as 725(space).

  • The Detl Code is 10, but the detl field is 3 characters, so it must be entered in as 10(space)

  • The Set Code is 02, but the Set field is 3 characters, so it must be entered in as 02(space)

    See the below screenshot for an example of how it appears in Excel:

4. In your Excel sheet, Copy the row of the transactions from columns A to AC. 

  • Do not go beyond column AC.

  • Do not copy the header or footer row, only the data lines. 


5. Go to the Ledger Inquiry screen, right-click on any record, and select Paste.


6. The transactions will then populate your dist list, ready to post down. If the transactions are POs they will be automatically moved without needing to post a distribution change so you can skip this step.


View a Transaction History

1. From the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger > Ledger Inquiry


2. Highlight the transaction you want to view and click on Edit History button. This window will show you all of the history relating to the transaction, including distribution changes.  

Colour Codes are as follows:

  • Black - Original record.

  • Red - Edited record.

  • Blue - Records which have had more than one change.

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