General Ledger Inquiry Reports

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General Ledger Inquiry Reports




  1. In the Main Menu Bar select General Ledger > Ledger Inquiry > Reports


Report Details Tab

You can create your own General Ledger Inquiry Report which can report on any codes, in any order and with your preferred options. If you then require this report to be your new default when you open your General Ledger Inquiry Report screen, select the report and simply tick the Default Report check box.


Report Defaults

  • Report Defaults - Select the report you require from the drop down list. You can create your own by following this guide here: Creating a Separate Report Default

  • Default Report - Tick check box to set current report as your default, to appear each time screen is open.

  • Report Layout - Select the report template. Does not affect Excel reports.

  • Scissors icon - Remove the saved report default.

  • Save icon - Click to save options and selections chosen throughout tabs to the report default.


Report Details

  • Period Ending Date - Adds nominated date to the report. Does not affect Excel Reports.

  • Summary - Tick to run a summarised report. The level subtotal number will dictate the accounts to summarise on.

  • Level Subtotal - Choose which level to report on. Helpful with the Summary checkbox.

  • FBT - Outputs a FBT Report. See: Rental Car Hire and FBT

  • BAS - Outputs a BAS Report. See: How to run a BAS Report for VAT/ GST Purposes

  • Excel\CSV - Tick this to run the report to Excel instead of PDF.

  • Currency Conversion (Base/Native) - Select the currency you want your report to be displayed in.

    • If you're dealing with more than one country, select the Base option where you can choose the currency manually according to the country(s) you're dealing with.

    • The Native option is the default currency for the account you are outputting. There is no currency conversion wen using this option.

  • Exchange Rate - Eclipse supports two exchange rates per currency, you can run the report using currency conversion either on your budgeted or current rate. See: Currencies


Account Range

  • Account Range Cu, Lo, Eps - Highlight the currency, location, and episode that you want to run the report over.

  • Account Range From and To - Enter range you wish to report on, if you do not enter range it will do a full ledger print out. The reason why you use 'Z', is that is the last alpha numerical letter or number. That means if you have letters in you chart of accounts it will include everything in range. See Understanding the PROD-DETL-SET columns in GL Reports for more detailed information on the account ranges.

  • Selective Range - Will only print Production code in related currencies, locations or episodes highlighted. For example, it will not print the range between two different episode numbers if the highlighted.

  • Consolidate - Tick to run one report that groups up multiple currencies accounts, then reports in the selected Base Currency.


Selection Tab

This tab allows the user to suppress unwanted data that will allow for quicker and more efficient searches. Or alternatively, this tab can be used as a very quick search for specific data by inserting your specific field requirements


Detail Filters

  • Year Period, Date, Transaction, Batch, Vendor, Cheque #, Invoice #, PO #, Voucher #, Amount and EmpRef all allow you to enter in a range to filter the report output.

  • Description - If you can't find exact amount and sure that you have paid for an item, do a description search on keywords on the invoice. Eclipse will then bring up every transaction with that keyword.  Can also be used when trying to locate items you are not sure where it was coded to.

  • Check Posted PO Period Range - Limits the output of Posted Purchase Orders/Fully Approved Purchase Orders to the Year Period range fields. Useful if you only want to export POs from the current period, such as running a Weekly report to review POs.

  • Exclude Reconciled Items - Excludes any reconciled items from being output. See: How to Reconcile Transactions

  • Calculate Net Tax Amount - Calculates the Net Tax of each transaction. Only used when running the VAT Report: VAT Report / Reconciliation

  • Bible - Ignores all detail filters except period range to output a full export. See: How to run a Bible Report

  • Vat Submission - Used for running over previously submitted VAT data to the HMRC. Enter in the VAT submission number into this field. See: https://tphglobal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TPHCS/pages/1700987456

  • Ex Submitted - Excludes transactions that have been included in a VAT Submission. It uses the VAT submission number.


Module Filters

  • Include Source Code - If you want to limit your search to a particular module, then just tick appropriate module.

  • Include Unposted Batches - This will include in your ledger inquiry anything that hasn't been posted yet for the particular module.


Sorting Filters

  • Report Sort Items - Please note this sort order only applies to the PDF reports and not the Excel reports. You can sort your report into any field order, then by another field and so on. Simply click on a field in the Sort Items list, then click the ‘add' button. Once fields are in top window you can then sort them by the ‘add’ and ‘delete’ buttons to create the order you want.

Sequence Tab

This window lists the account sequence ranges for each of your reports. You must first select a report in the Reports drop-down list before you can view the account sequence. It will basically show you the order and range of accounts will be produced in your report. See this general guide here: Sequence Ranges


  • +Seq - Numeric code to nominate order.

  • Description - Description of sequence to be printed on report at the start of sequence range.

  • Total Description - Description of sequence total to be printed with the sequence totals.

  • From/To - Distribution range to be printed.


Note: When entering the sequence number it is a good idea to make the next number in the sequence at least 5 higher than the last sequence. That way, another sequence can be inserted in between two sequences later if required.



Formatting the Excel Output To Include Subtotals and Grand Totals

Once a ledger inquiry report is generated you may need to filter the report and add subtotals to the ledger accounts. The article below explains how to add subtotals and then a grand total to present the report with the detail you require: Insert subtotals in a list of data in a worksheet - Microsoft Support.


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