Approval Group Setup

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Approval Group Setup

Background: Once drafted and sent for approval, POs and other documents such as Invoices can follow an approval chain via a predefined hierarchy. Below article explains how those chains can be setup to streamline this process.

Context: This feature is only available to the Admin role. If you’re not sure how to set up approval chains and require assistance please reach out to TPH Support. support@helpdesk.tphglobal.com


DPF Approval Group Setup

1. Go to Setup Approval Setup.

Add your Approval Chains for Invoice, Expenses, Documents and Timecards to all the existing PO approval groups. There is no need to create new ones and the workflow is much better if you use your existing PO approval groups. Ensure that your users are already setup otherwise you will not be able to add them to approval chains.

To give an example of why this is done - when an Invoice has a purchase order attached, the Invoice will use that Purchase Order approval group.

If the Purchase Order approvers are not the same as the Invoice approvers, then you must set the Invoice approvers in the PO approval groups by following the instructions below.


2. You must tick this selection circle if you want the Approval chain to be available in the drop list of that particular module when drafting the item. If you do not want the approval group selectable then do not tick this checkbox.


3. You can quickly copy and paste approvers from one module to the next. Just make sure the sequence and approval amounts are correct after pasting.

  1. When setting up Timecard approval groups, check if the Payslip Approval Position, Edit and Display Payslip options are needed for each individual approver.

DPF User Module Access Setup

5. In DPF → Setup → User Setup click on a user and make sure you tick the modules the approvers and buyers need access to, then click Save. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the list to see the user module access.


To set up default approval groups in Eclipse, please refer to this guide Set Up Default Approval Groups - Customer Support - Confluence (atlassian.net)


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