Restricting Amendments on Vendor Details

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Restricting Amendments on Vendor Details

To implement controls and restrictions on Eclipse operators the access to the vendor details in the vendor master maintenance can be controlled (e.g. Bank Details). By following these steps you can lock vendors from being edited and you will be emailed out any changes to vendor bank accounts details.


1. As the Production Accountant (Supervisor Accountant) navigate to: Control Table > System Defaults > Accounts Payable Tab.

There are two options to restrict vendor amendments: Auto Lock Vendor and Auto Lock Vendor Bank.

  • Auto Lock Vendor

    • If you want to stop users from editing vendors inside Eclipse and from excel paste ins, then tick Auto Lock Vendor.

    • Users will have to press the Unlock button before they can edit vendors.

    • You can stop users from editing vendors completely by blocking the Unlock button in Step 4.

  • Auto Lock Vendor Bank Accounts

    • A vendor’s bank details will be locked after saving/creating a vendor.

    • Users will have to press the Unlock button before they can edit vendor bank details. All other vendor details can be edited without the need to press the Unlock button.

    • Any changes to vendor bank account details will be emailed to your admin email that you have specified in Step 2 below.

    • If you only want to log bank account changes and not lock vendors from being edited, then only have Auto Lock Vendor Bank ticked. Ensure that Auto Lock Vendor stays unticked.


2. Setup your Admin Email for bank account changes to be emailed into by navigating to the SMTP Email tab in your System Defaults.

  • Enter in an email address in the Admin Email field. This will ensure that the production administrator will receive an email notification whenever there are changes to the vendor bank details.


3. When a user wants to edit a vendor or their bank details they will now have to select the vendor and press the Unlock button. 


Stop a user from editing vendors:

4. If you want to prevent a user from editing vendor details you can block the Unlock button.

Open up Accounts Payable → Vendor Master Maintenance and hit the CTRL + F8 key on your keyboard to bring up the User Access window

In the User Access Window, scroll to the right until you see the Unlock column. Set Unlock to No for the Eclipse Operator you wish to restrict from editing vendors (this will prevent the Unlock button from appearing in the Vendor Master for the user).


The option to amend Vendor details will now be greyed out for the operator like in the screenshot below.


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