Debit Card Initial Setup (EQUALS/VASCO)

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Debit Card Initial Setup (EQUALS/VASCO)

You can download the debit card transactions from an EQUALS or VASCO debit card provider, and upload to Eclipse.  From there you can generate the Petty Cash Form, amend, and then post as usual.   Lastly, there is an option to reconcile.



Initial Setup Instructions

You will only have to do this once to setup your production for the Import. Please follow these setup instructions precisely or the import and file creation will fail.

1. Creating a Control Account

First you will need to create a control account for the debit card account, if you do not already have one set up.  Go to Control Table > Control Accounts and click Insert.  Add a new petty cash control account, like below.  

You will need to have the control account linked to a new credit card AP/ PC Clearing Account in your Chart of Accounts and you must have This is a P/C Source Code ticked.


2. Assigning a Company to your Control Account

You will need to assign the company used for your Petty Cash control account. This will print the company details on your Petty Cash forms generated from inside Eclipse via the Email PC Form and Create PC Form options.

Please follow this guide here to link a company to a petty cash account:

Create Multiple Companies in Eclipse / Assign Company to Email Remittances and Petty Cash Forms


3. Assigning your Currency Tax Code

You will then need to set the Tax Codes for your Currency that you will be using under Control Table → Currencies.

Select the currency you will be working with and assign both Tax Codes from the drop-down list.


4. Setting your Provider

The Debit Import currently accepts two providers: EQUALS (UK) and VASCO (AUS).


By default the system is set to EQUALS. Equals support three import formats and this setting must be changed depending on what format equals allows you to export to.

1. The first format is a CSV file with 17 columns from A to Q. The sample data is attached below. This sample data must be formatted exactly as the attached without any blank rows.

Go to Control Table → System Defaults → Debit Cards and set the debit card provider as EQUALS.

2. The second format is a CSV file with 32 columns from A to AF with the last row being Details of Charges. The sample data is attached below. An easy way to tell if you are using EQUALS2 format is that the Card Last Four column will be Column R.


Your import must be formatted exactly as the attached without any blank rows. Any columns after column AF will be ignored by Eclipse.

Go to Control Table → System Defaults → Debit Cards and set the debit card provider as EQUALS2.


3. The third format is a CSV file with 34 columns from A to AH with the last row being Notes. The difference between EQUALS2 and EQUALS3 is that the Card Last Four column is under Column S. The sample data is attached below.

Your import must be formatted exactly as the attached without any blank rows. Any columns after column AH will be ignored by Eclipse.

Go to Control Table → System Defaults → Debit Cards and set the debit card provider as EQUALS3.



Go to Control Table → System Defaults → Debit Cards and change the Debit Card Provider to VASCO. Replace EQUALS with VASCO by typing it in the Debit Card Provider field.


5. Setup the number of entries exported into the Petty Cash Form

You need to set your how many entries should be included in the generated Petty Cash envelope in Eclipse. The default is set as 15. The maximum is 20 per PC envelope and the minimum is 5.


6. Setup the Petty Cash Email body text

When you email a petty cash form to a user inside Eclipse, the email body will contain some default text asking the user to fill in the form and return it. This message can be customised by following this guide here: Customise Petty Cash Email Message


7. Setup the Tax Flags used in your Petty Cash Form

To setup the tax flags used in your petty cash forms that are emailed to users please follow this guide: Customizing Petty Cash Forms with your Tax Flags. This will ensure your tax calculations are correct on the Petty Cash Forms that are generated from within Eclipse.

8. Setup your email address

You need to set your email in the system so when you email out PC forms your crew have a return email to send it back to you. 

Navigate to Control Table → User Entry Defaults → General and enter in your email address into the field, then press OK.



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