Create New Admin User

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Create New Admin User

The instructions below are for setting up a new user in DPF. Users will be able to access to DPF and EzyPO with the same login credentials.

Users with Admin accounts can set up new users in a production.


From the left-hand side navigation, go to Setup > User Setup

From the left-hand side search box, type in the name of the user to make sure they don’t already have an account


On the top right-hand side, click the plus button to create a new user


Select the User Type that you are creating:

Admin: The administrator user for the production.
DO NOT update existing user account to admin. You will need to create a completely new account for the admin role.
Note: Admin accounts can’t perform Buyer or Approver duties so the user will need a separate account for this.

For more information about user permissions, please see this table.



Please fill out the Users details:
User details for Admin accounts are different to other user types. You will need to create a completely new account for admin access instead up updating an existing account.

User Name for an Admin account: first name / surname / Admin. Eg. James Smith Admin

User Login for an Admin account: initials plus “ADMIN”. Eg. JSADMIN (recommended)

Email Address
The email address can be the same for both an admin and non admin account for the same user.

Initials for and Admin account: Ther users’s initials plus AD. Eg. JSAD

Department (can type in Dept name) - this controls what other documents people can see. If you’d like this user to see all POs for the ART department, for example, type in ART here.
Department for Admin user: ADMIN (Admin accounts will not have full access if restricted to a specific department)

Country Code

Mobile Number

Standard user type:


Admin user type:


Security Settings: (minimum requirements)

Password Strength: MILD

User Must Change Password: tick on

User Details: tick on the modules the user will have access to

Generally, Admin accounts will need access to all modules but this can be changed depending on the needs of the production.


Once the user has been saved, you need to send the invite.

Click the circle on the left of the name.


On the right-hand side, click the 3 dots, and click Send Invite



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