Creating a Backup of your Database

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Creating a Backup of your Database

We recommend creating a manual backup of your Eclipse database to our servers:

  • before a period close

  • posting a bank rec or at certain dates you need to run reports at such as important audit dates for AP aging reports.

  • TPH takes auto backups every morning at around 1am (UK time). These backups are only kept on our servers for FOUR days. Do not rely on TPH to have a backup for your important audit dates - you must make manual backups by following this guide to have certainty that you have data to restore.

This guide will allow us to restore a snapshot of your database that is separate from your live database, allowing you to go in and run reports.

  1. To backup your production databasehighlight the production on the Production list in Eclipse and click the Backup button.

2. This will open the window below.

  • In the Backup Filename field use the auto-generated name or enter in a custom backup name. Make sure to add the .bak to the end of the backup name

  • The Backup Path is filled in automatically set by the system and cannot be changed by the user.

The backup of the database will then be saved to our server and can be used as a restore point after you click the Start button.

If you'd like us to restore from a backup and add it to your production list, please raise a ticket for customer support to restore your backup, and ensure you include the entire filename in the request so that we know which backup to restore for you.  



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